Getting Fit after baby #2 – by Kasey


2 years ago I had a wonderful and beautiful baby (baby #2).

I also had some extra weight that just had to go!

At 162 lbs I was about 24 lbs heavier than I was before I had gotten pregnant. I was 38 lbs heavier than I was when I graduated high school. None of my clothes fit, and frankly I was bummed.

I had never dieted in my life. I had no idea how to even start!

A high school and college basketball player I had always just been fit and able to eat pretty much whatever without having to worrying about it. However, 10 years and 2 babies later and that did not seem to be the case anymore.

So I decided to try out Weight Watchers. I didn’t go to the meetings. My mother had all the stuff for me to follow and it was super simple to do.

While doing WWs I also decided to train for a 5k using a training program called From the Couch to a 5k. From March to June of ’08 I was able to drop 22 lbs. and find my way back to pre-baby weight.

Unfortunately after the 5k in June I found myself busy with some other things and got off track. I gained about 5 lbs back over the next few months.


In February of ’09 I decided it was time for a change. The food I was eating was making me feel gross. My clothes were tight again. And I just didn’t feel good about myself. So once again I started watching what I was eating, and slowly but surely the weight started coming off again.

(Enter Cathe): About the end of March ’09 I decided I was ready to incorporate some exercise into my routine (even though I was getting skinnier I was super soft!) so I started doing Cathe Friedrich. I was instantly hooked and it was so exiting to not only be losing weight but to be seeing myself firm up muscles I had forgotten I even had!

Right after the baby I was wearing a size 10 and larges and I am now wearing smalls and x-smalls and size 4s and 2s. Two Years ago I weighed 162 lbs, when I started Cathe in March of ’09 I weighed around 145 lbs, and by September of ’09- with Cathe’s help- I weighed 120 lbs.- Losing 42 lbs total, and I’m still there and getting firmer daily!

Since I started Cathe she has given me the courage and strength to try other things as well. I’ve taken up yoga and running again- running 2 5ks, a 10k, and even a 1/2 marathon, but always continuing to workout with her (at least 4-6 days a week). I even stopped training for a marathon and teaching an aerobics class because it was interfering with my Cathe workouts!

With 2 little ones it really has become a matter of prioritizing in order to find time for working out. In order to workout without neglecting the kiddos I have to get up on workout days at 5:00 or 5:15 a.m. Even on the days I run we run at 5:30 a.m. and then I do Cathe afterwards, but it is so worth it! I always feel so great after a workout with Cathe. I love her personality- she’s upbeat without being too over the top- and she always makes you feel like you have it in you to do just a few more!

It is amazing the strength gains I’ve made in the time I’ve been working out with her. When I first started I couldn’t even do one push up on my toes, and now I can do 16! It really is just so WILD to me!

I would love to have another baby, but my goal the next time around is to be much healthier about it and to continue exercising even during my pregnancy so that next time Cathe won’t have to help me lose quite so much weight- Because now that I’m a Cathlete- nothing is too hard or out of my reach!

14 Responses

  • Wow Kasey! That is very inspirational story. You look like you should be on the cover of a running magazine or one of Cathe Friedrich’s backup girls! Seriously!

    I will have to check her out now! I’m always up for great workout DVD’s!

  • Hi Kasey,
    As you know, I have been following your weight loss journey and you have continued to inspire me along the way. I joined WW because of you and lost 12 pounds this past fall. Now I will be running my first half-marathon in March. Keep up the great work!!

  • This is great!! I love your story and I’m actually very inspired by it!! Best of luck. You look great, but most importantly I can tell that you feel great!!!

  • Great job!! You look amazing and I have started trying to run (a little!) too. I hope to look like this afer 2 kids!!

  • Kasey, you look amazing! What in inspiration you have been to me and so many others! I’ll be honest I have never heard of Cathe but I will certainly Google her next. I’m attempting to get back in shape, something I haven’t been for years. This is something I MUST do for both myself and my girls!

    Thanks again for being such an inspiration. And for the record, if I looked like you I would wear workout shorts and a tank every day!

  • This is a great accomplishment! I have about 3 Cathe dvd’s that have been just sitting on my shelf. No excuse since I’ve been snowed in for about 3 days 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  • Wow, you look great! I would love to know what rotation and/or Cathe DVDs you used to achieve your look. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!

  • Could you please let me know what videos you do? I need some motivation and you were inspiring. Thanks a lot.

  • Juli- when I wrote this I was only using the cathe dvds on Fit tv- there is a cycle of 17 or 18 of her dvds that they show ( I was also running a lot). But now I’m doing her STS series – and I love it!!! I also have the STS ab dvd and the STS circuit cardios. They are all wonderful!!! I love them so much!!! I also love her gym style dvds too! Good luck!