
I have had Crohn’s Disease since I was 18 years old. After years of trying to control the disease with meds, I had to have emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. After going through the initial surgery and then a bowel resection, I slowly started to add exercise into my life. Fast forward to when I was 26 — I had my first child — he was premature (4 lbs 5 oz). Very trying times. I again started exercising not only to lose the baby weight, but just to keep my sanity. When my son was around 18 months old, I lost my eyesight in my left eye and my feeling in my right hand and left foot. You guessed it: I was diagnosed with MS. My doctor suggested that if I wanted any more children I should do it sooner rather than later. Fast forward to when i was 29 — I had my second child — a girl. I again began to exercise to lose the baby weight and to keep my strength due to the MS. I joined the local YMCA and signed up for a weight train ing class. I was determined not to let the Crohn’s Disease or MS get the best of me.

Fast forward to when I was 33 — another bowel obstruction — another surgery — back to recovering and back to SLOWLY adding weight training to my workouts. This time I was serious — these horrible illnesses would not get the best of me. This is also when I discovered CATHE on Fit TV. She pushed me to a new level .. I kept getting stronger and stronger.

I continued the weight training at the YMCA (I now teach this class) and doing the CATHE videos on the weekends. Fast forward to when I was 41 — another bowel obstruction — another surgery — recovery took longer this time (my age, I guess). But because of CATHE’s amazing workouts and my stubbornness, I am back on top again!

I still experience numbness in my hands and feet from the MS, but the disease has really not progressed that much. Thank you CATHE — you are an inspiration to me!

20 Responses

  • YOU are the inspriration here! Congratulations on being so incredibly strong and determined.

  • You are truly unbelievable. I have wrangled with Crohn’s Disease since I was seven, and had my first surgery a few weeks after my nineteenth birthday (Wonderful present, right?). I like to personify Crohn’s through the villain in that old Goethe poem, “Erlkonig”. It’s the voice saying you can’t lift weights, you can’t do yoga, you can’t do plyo. And what do I say? Just watch me.

    You’re a wonderful person. The IBD community needs more voices like yours. Much love, from one Crohn’s patient to another.

  • You are one tough lady. You get knocked down and get right back up. So inspiring. I had a bowel resection a few years back, but I’m doing great now. After reading your story, I will never complain about any aches and pains. I think we healthy folks need to read a story like yours to realize how fortunate we are.

  • You’re an amazing person. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthitis a few years ago and am doing very well with the disease. However, I’ve been experiencing some MS symptoms ( I think ) but am afraid to get it checked out. You have given me the courage to get to the doctor and see what’s up!!!! You’re a powerful women! Thank you for sharing your story with us – God Bless You!

  • You are amazing! Fit people with chronic illnesses are such an inspiration to me. You continue to exercise & be fit despite the road blocks you face. I will think of your story if I ever face a health road block that makes me want to quite exercising. Thank you for your story!

  • Wow, you truly are an inspiration. I can only hope that if something were to happen to me that I could be as strong as you. My mother has MS-she was diagnosed in 1999. Luckily, she has the kind that is recurring and remitting, meaning the symptoms seem to come and go. She was diagnosed in ’07 with lymphoma. Currently, she is cancer-free and has just now decided to get healthy and fit. Better late than never! Keep up the good work, stay happy and healthy!

  • Thank you for your story! It goes without saying that these obsticles were huge. However, you have not let them define who you are or what you can accomplish. You are so strong. Your positivity radiates and is truely congious. Thank you for inspring all of us to enjoy good health and to celebrate life!

  • Awesome story and thanks for sharing. You’ve been through so much and keep fighting and that is a sign of true strength. I also have MS and have found that excercise and Cathe’s workouts keep me mentally sane and physically fit. For anybody with cronic disease of any kind – or multiple challenges like you have – keeping fit is paramount. Keep it up and kudos to you!!

  • I just wanted to add that you are as beautiful on the outside as you are inside! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.

  • Your resilience is truly amazing. I understand your exercising to keep your sanity. Many a time I have thought that I keeping working out because it is one of the few things that I can control!! I’m also so thankful for finding Cathe. God bless you.

  • Thank you for sharing your story Julie. This is another testetament to the fact that God gave us one body, with all our human frailities. We have to be good stewards of this body. This stewardship includes a healthy diet, exercise, and rest. We have to take care of what God gave us. To make it the best it can be this is the only way.
    Thank you so much for sharing your story and your talents as an instuctor Julie. Thank you Cathe for sharing your talents to help all of us make the most of what God gave us.

  • You are incredible! Great for you for not backing down and getting right back up each time! Four years ago, my health began crashing. Usually a very active and athletic person, I found myself with all over body pain, episodes of extreme fatique and bizarre mood swings, among other things. I started having peripheral neuropathy and was seeing a Chiropractor, back and spine specialists, a GI specialist and many other doctors. I was even being tested for MS. I was scared to death! I underwent a uterine hysterectomy for severe pelvic pain and it didn’t relieve the pain. It was months later that I chose to seek out a Internal Medicine/Naturopathic doctor who ran some extra tests and an ELISA FOOD PANEL and found out what my GI doctor could not – I was suffering from malnutrition and a metabollic crash due to Celiac Disease. You know what kind of toll autoimmune disease can take on the body – in such a profound way! I too, discovered Cathe on FitTV and she is AMAZING!! She has been here every step of the way of my recovery – encouraging me to keep going and pushing me to try harder. She has empowered me. I tell my friends that Cathe is one of my healing team, along with my team of alternative therapy specialists. My doctor says that I am still in a “rebuilding phase” and I know it takes time but I am stronger than I think I have ever been. I thank God for my determination and will to remain consistent in rehabilitating myself. I am so thankful that I discovered Cathe and her amazing workouts. And I am thankful for your story to keep me moving forward. I admire your persistence. You are an inspiration!

  • You are absolutely awe inspiring. You are strong beyond measure. Keep it up along with the great attitude.

  • I am so touched by everyones feedback (oh yeah, I’m clark116:)

    Chris ~ Wow … your story is amazing. Please join me on Facebook ( so I can follow your journey.

    Karen ~ Thank you 🙂

  • This IS very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. For me the worst part of the CD is the steroids, all the time. Well and the diarrhea, it challenges the very existence of our well being.

    Wonderful work, by the way! I’m so glad I”m not alone in facing these challenges. And I’m glad I can do this at home with Cathe videos. It’s my private journey.

  • i have just found out i have a very serious illneess, i am scare!!!i want to be as strong as you.

  • WOW – that is amazing Juli. Thank you for sharing this with me. I will definitely have to try out the Cathe programs 🙂 You are an inspiration!