Finally, a weight program that WORKS! – by Jolene


Prior to STS, I had been doing weight workouts at my local gym a few times a week, with limited success. I was frustrated as I had been working out – a combo of 3-4 weight workouts (45 mins – 1 hr) plus 3-4 cardio workouts a week (Cathe DVDs, mainly) – yet only feeling as though I was maintaining, not improving. In steps STS last February 2009, and immediately, I knew this was the workout for me and I knew this was a workout that would give me results, keep me engaged in each workout (no boredom!) and looking forward to the next workout.

I did a 3-month rotation followed by a 6-month rotation, and have been doing undulating rotations from there, and I love the versatility of this program, as I never get bored, and I always, ALWAYS feel challenged. My arms have much more tone than they did in the past, I have shoulder definition, my legs have become much more toned, my thighs are slimmer and sleeker, and my behind – well, let’s just say it feels amazingly lifted!

I do not weigh myself, as I feel looking at my body and judging based on how my clothes fit says more for me than the scale (and I don’t ever want to fixate on the number), but I have lost one pants size (from an 8 to a 6) and pants that previously felt snug, feel loose, I can wear a size 28 jean vs. a 29, and I feel amazing.

My sister Jess and I have started the STS journey together, and we have both enjoyed seeing the results, comparing our 1 RMs and seeing strength gains in each other. It’s a great way to make sure we’re both on track and in check – not “cheating” on the weight we choose, always increasing, and always keeping it challenging.


With STS, I just feel STRONG and sturdy, and when I went to the Cathe Road Trip last year, Cathe even said she thought I looked great, and STS was doing what it should – that was huge validation for me!! And, on top of that, after doing STS, I feel more confident pushing my fitness limits and have recently embarked on training to be a certified Group Kick instructor at my local gym, and I don’t think I would have ever gone for it, if I didn’t feel that my stamina, strength and cardio capabilities had increased from STS.

In closing, I have fallen back in love with weight workouts, thanks to STS, and finally believe that results CAN be achieved with the right combination, and that most definitely is STS. I’m constantly amazed at the thought, the planning, and the research that went into preparing this program, as it is heads above any other weight workout I have ever seen, and anytime I get the chance, I spread the word about how wonderful the program is. I can’t gush enough about how much I love the program and the improvements I’ve seen. Results are wonderful, and I am so glad I took the STS challenge!!

6 Responses

  • LIke I’ve said a million times….I admire you both so much for all that you do….not just the workouts, but just the way you lead your life….you treat your bodies and souls like a gift…..more people should follow suit….

  • I am inspiried and after reading this feel like i know you and your sister and have a connection.. so weird i know… one Peter LaFleur once said ”
    I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don’t have one, then you are never disappointed” i know it sound weird…but think about it… . some gyms have the WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU! And we know it! attitude and it’s just not right. you know, nobody makes me bleed my own blood, nobody!! YOu go Girl! 😉 keep spreading the faith!

  • I used to do cathe workout on tv with fit tv. What I liked most was that everyday the workout was a little different, but worked out each part of my body. My cable company dropped fit tv and I working out with Cathe so much. What dvds should I purchase to get started again working out with Cathe. I would like something to burn fat and body toning and firming. Please help. It’s been a while since I have worked out, so I don’t think I can do anything that is high intensity.


  • Greetings I’m trying to find info on train in yoga and pilates but I seriously don’t have a clue… I wish to gain muscle and flexivility. Have some idea?? Thanks!!