Download Your Pre-Sale Downloads Now

If you pre-ordered our 4 new workouts as digital downloads first click on this link and follow the instructions to instantly receive your download links : Presale Downloads

*Because of the new widescreen format and higher resolution, plus a recent change to the ffmpeg codec we use, these new downloads will not currently work in our Workout Blender, but will in a future update. They should work fine in iTunes, QuickTime, any non-legacy iPod, iPhones,iPads and like devices just as our other downloads do. Because of the higher resolution we are no longer supporting legacy 5G ipods that were last made in 2006 (not to be confused with 5th generation iPod Nano’s which are supported). Make sure to hang on to your downloads links in case we need to make changes to any of the new workout files to make them work with the Workout Blender. If this becomes necessary you will need to re-download an updated file*