Double Your Weight Loss in 2011

Studies have shown that people who regularly use their online weight loss and daily food journals doubled their results when compared to those who didn’t. According to Kristine L. Funk, MS, RD, study author and a researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Ore; “Consistency and accountability are essential in any weight maintenance program.”

We’ve been busy for the last six months redesigning our Free online Workout Manager to make it easier and more fun for you to track your body measurements and workout details to help you reach your fitness goals. We’ve greatly improved and expanded our reports by vastly improving their design and graphs as well as giving you the ability to print reports for all of your data entries. We’ve added a free food search and diet diary and we even now have a weight loss/gain forecaster to help you predict how much weight you will lose or gain if you maintain your current eating and exercise habits.

So, start the New Year off right and double your Results by keeping track of all of your fitness and weight loss results in our new Free Workout Manager which will be available in just two more weeks.

6 Responses

  • Cathe- I have used your Workout Manager everyday. It has helped to keep me motivated and on track. As a result, I have lost close to 70 pounds over two years. My New Year’s resolution this year will have nothing to do with weightloss! Thank you so much for everything you do, including providing this tool for free!


  • This is what I’ve been waiting for! Thank you SNM for working so hard on this! I’m looking forward to utilizing every aspect of the new WM!

  • I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve made exercise a regular part of my daily routine with the workout manager. I think this will help me improve my diet. Thank you Cathe. Here’s to getting healthy in 2011.