Cycle Max Casting Call

Our Casting call to be in Cathe’s Cycle Max video is open to all attendees who are attending either the Glassboro or Disney Road Trip this summer. A total of 8 people will be selected from these two tryouts to be in our Cycle Max video which is tentatively scheduled to be filmed August 7th ( we will have a firm date in a few more weeks).

In a couple weeks we will send an application form to all attendees of both the Glassboro and Disney road trips with complete details. If you’re interested in trying out please return the form no later than June 25th.

We want to keep the casting call as stress free as possible. We’re mainly looking for eight people with big smiles and a lot of enthusiasm and we will make the casting call as fun as we can. We want you to enjoy the road trip, not worrying about your performance. You need to have at least some previous indoor cycling experience, but you don’t need to be an expert. So, if you haven’t tried indoor cycling there is still plenty of time to get into a local health club and give it a try.

Cycle Max video format:

Indoor cycling classes are performed to music. You synchronize your pedaling to be in time with the rhythm of the music. My music will mostly be set to dance, top 40 and rock music to help motivate you.  The difficulty of the workout is controlled two ways:

  1. By varying the resistance on a flywheel. The resistance is controlled by a knob, wheel or lever.  On most bikes the brake can be adjusted from completely loose (providing very little resistance) to very tight (providing heavy resistance).
  2. By changing the cadence (the speed at which the pedals turn). Pedaling at a higher rate expends more energy than pedaling at a lower rate with the same resistance.

Cycle Max will incorporate the following hill profiles to work a different part of the body and focus on different leg muscle groups. You should always maintain control of the flywheel by having some resistance applied (even on the easiest hill profiles, ie: seated flats) to keep your ride safe and effective.

Seated Flat
Seated Climb

Standing Climb
Running With Resistance
Jumps on a Hill
Seated Flat Sprint
Seated Hill Sprint
Standing Hill Sprint

The eight lucky winners will have their flight/hotel expenses paid by us and you will get to spend two action packed fun days at our facility rehearsing and filming with Cathe and our staff as well as enjoying the company of the other winners. Cycle Max will be the last video filmed in the Low Impact series and we will all celebrate together after the filming!

The first casting call will be held during the Disney® Road trip where dreams really do come true!

4 Responses

  • I am attending the Disney Road trip and am interested in filling out an application for your new Cycle Max video. Where do I find the application?

  • Today’s the 25th! And I never received an application via email. Did I just miss out, or did the plan for applications change?

  • Laura – A response from SNM videos on one of the Glassboro Road Trip threads said that they have only sent them out to Disney Road Trippers right now and they will be sending them out to the Glassboro Road Trippers later.