Circle of Angels by Virginia Tate

Exercise has been a big part of my life for many years. I started working out at home over 20 years ago when my children were young. It was just easier for me to exercise at home. In 2004, I found Cathe on FitTV and was instantly hooked. I now own nearly every video and DVD in her collection.

In February of 2009, I received surprising news from my gynecologist after what was supposed to be just a routine hysterectomy. At the age of 49, I was diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian (fallopian tube) cancer. I went through major surgery and six rounds of primary chemotherapy. I was not allowed to do anything more strenuous than walk for six weeks following surgery, but once I received clearance from my oncologist, I dove right back into my beloved Cathe workouts. Oh, how I missed my morning dose of Cathe time. Of course I had to take it very slowly, but I preferred to modify the intensity of Cathe’s advanced workouts rather than try another beginner instructor. My stamina is not what it was before chemo, but I am sure that I have more energy and feel better due to Cathe’s workouts. I am so very grateful to be able to exercise with Cathe each morning.

As of September 2009 I have been in remission but am currently going through a year of monthly consolidation chemotherapy in hopes of preventing a recurrence. My last treatment will be on July 20, which just happens to be my husband’s birthday AND Cathe’s. What a day for celebration! At that point I will have had 18 chemo treatments. Whew!

I have chosen to view my cancer diagnosis as a blessing, for I have learned so much during the past year. I am reminded of all of the many blessings that God has given me and included at the tip top of that list are Cathe and my many Cathlete friends that I have had the pleasure of meeting on the forums and on the two Road Trips that I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.

I refer to those who have circled around me with love, support, and prayers during my battle with cancer as my Posse of Angels, and these beautiful and strong women are truly such angels. These precious friends have sent ovarian cancer bracelets to others all around the country. They have sent gifts, cards, flowers, e-mails, hugs and prayers. They have traveled to Texas from all parts of the country to visit and workout with me. They have raised money in my honor with a 100 mile indoor cycle ride for ovarian cancer awareness. They have traveled to participate in ovarian cancer 5K runs with me. What a lucky girl I am to have met these fabulous women through Cathe!

I cherish the friendships of these wonderful women more than they know and I am positive they, along with Cathe’s workouts, have assisted in my recovery.

12 Responses

  • Virginia —

    I was just thinking this morning that you should submit your story to Cathe, and here it is!! You are such an inspiration!

    Much love,

  • Virginia,

    I think I can speak for all of your Cathlete friends in saying that we feel honored and blessed to have you in our lives. You have no idea how you have inspired all of us and continue to do so every day. Can’t wait to see you in July and October so we can celebrate that final chemo treatment!!!


  • Gin, allow me to add my voice to the chorus of those whom you’ve inspired by your unflagging courage and your deep faith in God. You GO girl! You ROCK my world! And I guess you’re getting your stamina back! I’d give anything to be able to keep up with you in a 5K!!! 🙂

  • Hi Virginia,
    You inspire and motivate me, I am so proud of you and all of your achievements! You have always stayed positive and a fighter, you keep it up!



  • Gin, thank you so much for sharing your story. Your journey has been such an inspiration. I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers and hope to meet you again at a future RT. ((Hugs))

  • Virginia,

    You are a wonderful friend and I am so proud of you for keeping such a positive attitude and sweet spirit through this whole ordeal. I am so glad you shared your story here as I am sure it will be an inspiration to many. I cannot wait to see you at the July Road Trip and we will be celebrating your final chemo treatment!

    Love ya girl,

  • TX Gin! So good to see you and read your inspiring story! I have thought about you and said prayers during your journey and am thrilled that you will be celebrating the completion of your treatment in
    July!!!! As Michele said, you ROCK!!!!

  • Virginia, you continue to be an inspiration to us all. I am honored and touched to have known you. Can’t wait to see you in July and give you more hugs in person!!

  • You are just simply amazing. I have followed you through your journey, prayed for you many times, and am just so thankful that you have come out even stronger. You have been such an inspiration to so many, myself included. I have often pondered your amazing faith and positive outlook, no matter what, and it has led me on many days to find joy in everything, to not take anything for granted. I cannot wait to meet you!!

  • TX Gin, I am so glad you shared your amazing story. I have followed your progress on the forums and am soo glad you are doing well. You are truly an inspiration. I remember your husband once giving an update on your progress, I was in tears. I lost my mother to the same stage of ovarian cancer so needless to say, your story strikes near the heart. Stay strong and true…brave lady.

  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart sweet friends for your kind messages. Your sweet words mean more to me than you know! Cathletes are THE BEST!

    Love and hugs!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story. My baby sister had breast cancer surgery in January of this year and is in her last 2 chemo treatments this month. She is doing good, too. It is always great to have someone come forth with such a wonderful story. Thanks again for sharing.
    Maureen Gillespie
    Memphis, TN