Cathe’s New CrossFire Workout – Intensity Without the Dread Factor!

Are you looking to burn fat? Crush calories? Build lean muscle? Are you willing to sweat, burn and be breathless? I thought so! If you loved AfterBurn, here is an upgrade you can’t be without! Get ready to get ignited because you are about to embark on a metabolic conditioning workout like no other. Prepare to push it up, squat it down and rep it out in this multi-impact workout. Loaded with sprints, blasts and brief recovery periods this workout is on FI-YAH!

CrossFire is a 53 minute high intensity interval workout that blends Tabata, HiiT and Circuit training all into one incredibly intense and fun workout. Superb chaptering and numerous premixes when combined with extra bonus footage, like low impact Tabata, make this workout one of the most versatile weapons you have to blast away calories and fat!

CossFire’s Timesaver Premixes are perfect for days when you’re short on time while other Premixes like CrossFire Extreme will challenge you with a longer and more intense workouts. Our chaptering and premixes give you way more options than other DVDs and this helps to prevent boredom and keep your body constantly challenged in new ways.

CrossFire Premixes also offer you a greater variety of choices in the length and intensity of your workout that will fit almost anyone’s schedule. For Example, you can do a Tabata only premix lasting less than 15 minutes on day when your schedule doesn’t allow you the time to do a longer workout. CrossFire has numerous Premixes that vary in time and intensity from 15 minutes to over an hour, so no more excuses!

Here is the breakdown of CrossFire (we will provide a complete chapter breakdown in another update):

Warm up to

Segment #1: Cross Fire Fitness Blast No Equipment needed

Segment #2: FIREWALKER TABATTA Equipment needed Firewalker band

Segment #3: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Equipment needed: a pair 3, 8 and 10 pound handweights, one 15 pound, a firewalker band, a set of discs, tubing

Segment #4: Cross Fire Plyo Tabata


CROSS FIRE BONUS: Low Impact Cardio Tabata… Equipment needed: Slide N Glide discs

Bonus Core

*We have to get our initial order to the duplicator by May 31st, so make sure to pre-order before then if you want to be among the first to receive CrossFire and/or To the Max. | Learn More |

12 Responses

  • So…. I’m skered… Cathe is sweatier than I think I have ever seen her!!! Look at that wet pony! Can’t wait at the same time!!

  • I can’t wait to try the Tabata Firewalker!!!!! This is going to trump all previous ace releases from Cathe! She raises the bar every time! For herself and us! Looking soo forward to it!!!!

  • Sounds awesome, especially the fact that there’s low impact tabata too! Can’t wait!

  • Agreed! Thrilled at more low impact high intensity training. Just because my joints can’t handle the high impact (nor my downstairs neighbor ;)) doesn’t mean I don’t want a kick butt workout!! THANK YOU, CATHE!!!!!

  • I am so looking forward to these. I agree Anne, the first thing I noticed was Cathe’s wet pony. Scared but excited….

  • I noticed the wet pony tail too! Yikes! All the options sound exciting, along with the fire walker band tabata and the cross fire circuit. And, how about the low impact tabata. Very much looking forward to this one! Glad that Cede is back too!!!!

  • I purchased Superset and pushpull not to long ago. When I went to see what the premixes offered I tried the 2 sets of each exercise burt it kept repeating the first two sets over and over not moving on to the next exercises. Then I tried to see if the premix 3 sets would work but that also did not move on to the next exercises. I was hoping to get a new dvd I will send this one back if that what it takes. There must be a glitch in the premixes. Please let me know what to do. I have most all of Cathes dvds. I love them all. Never had I problem like this before. Thanks so much

  • Am I the only one who does not know what Tabata is? It’s not in the dictionary……

  • Looks like Cathe has done it again-have at least 15 Cathe dvds-cannot wait for this one.