Cathe’s August 2017 Workout Rotation

Hi Cathletes! The summer days sure are flying by! I hope you’ve been enjoying a healthy mix of favorite workouts and summer fun!  This month we will continue shocking our bodies with a rotation full of various workouts from older and newer series. Let’s keep those muscles guessing  as we switch up our routines for another month! Remember to drink plenty of water and get adequate recovery time. Are you ready?  Let’s do this!



Tuesday…RWHiit..Plyo Hit 1 plus ICY Core Abs 1

Wednesday…Lean Legs

Thursday…RWHiit…Plyo Hiit 2 plus ICY Core Abs 2

Friday…Muscle Max

Saturday …Kick Max




Monday…Pyramid Upper Body

Tuesday…Cycle Sweat (or solid cardio of choice)plus Strong & Sweaty Bonus Abs

Wednesday…Great Glutes

Thursday…Cardio Core Circuit

Friday…Strong & Sweaty Giant Sets


Saturday ….Hard Strikes




Monday…Party Rockin Step #2  plus Ab Circuits “No Equipment

Tuesday…Chiseled Lower Body

Wednesday…Chiseled Upper Body


Friday…Athletic Step

Saturday…Rockout Knockout




Monday…Turbo Barre

Tuesday…RIDE (or solid cardio of choice)

Wednesday…Cardio Leg Blast

Thursday…Lift It Hit It ..Back Biceps Shoulders

Friday…Cross Fire

Saturday Lift It Hit It…Chest Triceps Shoulders


Categories: Monthly Rotations

One Response

  • Can you order the monthly rotations in a bundle for each month? If not can you give me the list DVD’s needed for September and October?

  • We don’t sell DVD rotation bundles, but alternatively if you purchase Cathe OnDemand you get access to all of our videos. Also, rotations for September and October haven’t been created yet.

  • Brilliant idea Diniah – Cathe might consider a daily deal one week before the next month which includes a rotation bundle for the upcoming month. Great way to get new Catheletes on board.

  • That would be expensive for a new Cathlete. It’s cheaper to try it out through the streaming option.