Casting Call for Cathletes at Daytona

Casting call for all Cathletes! If you have ever wanted to be in a Cathe video, now is your chance! During the Daytona Beach EB Tour event any attendee who wants to will have the chance to try out to be in a future Cathe video. We will have a video camera set up in a separate banquet room where you will have about three to five minutes to show us your stuff. We will want to see how you step, kickbox and your form and strength in lifting weights and push ups. Futher details and instructions will be sent to all Daytona attendees  around the third week in September. We will review the camera footage from the casting call in Daytona and announce the winner on January 28th.

21 Responses

  • Oh, what an awesome opportunity! I wish I could do this! Daytona isn’t an option for me to attend. Sigh….

    What a wonderful dream someone will be very blessed! YAY!!!!

  • Man, I wish I could be in Florida to try out! ….Will there ever be a chance to try out in the NY area?

  • omg,,,,how lucky someone is going to be… I just wish I could be in Daytona for the event not alone trying out for that video….good luck everyone…. to the most determined cheers!

  • Man I really would love to be able to try out but there is no way I can go to Daytona, I am in school and working 2 jobs…good luck to everyone and anyone who trys out! If there is any way we can still try out even if we are not there or if you come to UT I will do it in a second!

  • I could probably find a hundred excuses why I can’ go, and only two reasons why I absolutely should – desire and priority. Question is, as great an opportunity as this is, is my desire to want to do this strong enough and is this something that is high on my list of priorities. If not, then I may as well accept that it’s just a wonderful I WISH dream and let it be at that. The event takes place in 60 days and because I live in Toronto Ontario, I guess that gives me about 55 days to think about it. Hm…..

  • oh, if i could only be anywhere near there at that time. this would be the most awesome thing for me to do this. I’m 45 now, and my baby is graduating this year! what will i do with my time? Oh, i know, i could be in cathe videos! I wish…..

  • Pleeease tell me you’re doing this at other Eggland’s Best road trips and that a stop will include Boston??? I totally think you need lookalikes in your next video, my sister and I would be perfect for it 😉 I’m half-kidding here of course…I’d have to work up some courage to try this but so tempting!!

  • This sounds very exciting!! I’m seriously thinking of attending. Cathe is my favorite instructor!!! I’ll be traveling from chicago, but you only live once! I’m there!!!!!!!!!

  • I would LOVE to try out but I live in New Jersey and will not be going to Daytona, since I attend the road trips at Cathe’s gym. Cathe if you are listening, I am available and I live only 2 hours away from your gym!!! 🙂

  • What an awesome opportunity not nervious in front of a camera as I would be. Do hope to make this road trip as only about an hr. away from Daytona.

  • Its been my dream to be in a fitness video. I’m hoping my husband will think this a great opportunity for me to try. Today is our 13 wedding anniversay it may be my lucky day! I know I can do it!

  • This is like my dream. like cathe always said. embrace the challenge. and i do!! but unfortunatly i cant make it to datona-:( maybe you can do this i your road trip?!!-:) Anyway good luck everybody.

  • There was a time when I would not let a day go by without doing “Cathe” I started slacking off untill i lost it all….gained weight, and cant gain the motivatin to get back on track… Maybe this will motivate me
    where can we find more information, Even if i could not “Audition” id love to watch her

  • I am SO excited and totally doing the casting call! It is my dream to have my own dvd’s and show one day so this would be great to do!!

  • omg, that is my dream, to be in a video with cathe,I own most all dvd’s, I know all the moves.

  • I wish I can go meet u “Cathe”. “Cathe” my favorite, I love it.
    Good luck !!!!!!!

  • How very fun to try! What a sweet idea, Cathe. I’m going to be there. =) Just got a new job but am taking a day off of work to be able to go for the entire weekend. CAN”T WAIT!