Butts and Guts Premixes

I hope you are having a nice weekend. Btw, we will continue to post information throughout the weekend. Today I will share the premixes for Butts and Guts. Before I list them I want to let you know that I noticed that some of the premix suggestions on our forums listed an “All Butt” or “All Floorwork” etc. option. I just wanted to clarify that the reason we didn’t make this type of listing a separate premix is because it already exists as a chapter point. The workout is already naturally grouped as “standing”, “floorwoork” and “core”, so there is no need to create a premix for these categories. All you have to do is go to the chapter menu and select the exercise that you want to start with. The DVD will play from that point on. Hope that helps 🙂

Butts and Guts premixes……

Premix # 1 Standing Glutes and Abs timesaver

Premix # 2 Overall Legs

Premix # 3 Leg Blast

Premix # 4 Floorwork and Abs
