Beating Cancer with Exercise and Nutrition – by Carol Knizek


In 2004, after the birth of my son Chase, I was diagnosed with a stage 3 breast cancer on my right side. I received 4 rounds of aggressive chemo therapy that left me weak and sick. In addition to that, I received a mastectomy and 5 surgical procedures.

After my last round of chemo, I found another lump on the same side which turned out to be cancer again. My doctors informed me that I would need to have chemo again. I refused and opted to eat a clean diet and exercise. I was confused and did not know where to begin. I started reading fitness magazines and saw Cathe’s shows on Fit TV. I was amazed at how toned and fit these women were and not to mention the high level of energy that they embraced. I wanted to have that too, and started doing Cathe’s workout dvds, at first they were very hard and I got tired easy. Here I was this frail, bald, 120lb. woman only able to lift 2 lb. weights. With every rep, squat and push-up, I got strong er and stronger, that weak woman disappeared and a new Carol was re-born. I gave 110% and never gave up, I reversed my own cancer with nutrition, a positive attitude and exercise! I cleaned up my diet and became a partial vegetarian.

Chemical, preservative laden foods do not enter my body. Cancer in a way saved my life, I was on a downward spiral digging my grave with my teeth. I am so thankful that I am here to spend the rest of my life with my two awesome boys and husband. I want people to know that they can change their life for the better.

I have been doing Cathe’s workouts for over 5 years now and know that they have helped me fight and beat my cancer. Today, I am a fit, 130lb, healthy woman with a lot of zest for life! Thank you Cathe, and your team of awesome women! You have given me the courage and strength to keep pushing myself and to give it my all.

28 Responses

  • I too had breast cancer and a double mastectomy 12/11/2008. I have been operated on 7 times in less than a year. I believe that with exercise and eating high protein high fiber and lots of greens has kept me going. Cathes step aerobics is my favorite.

    I put on alot of weight with all the medications I am on. Any suggestions on how to get some of it off. I had to have my ovaries removed which put me in complete menopause and I have no metabolism. So any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Keep up the good work and God Bless you. You too are a survivor.

  • Carol,

    What an awesome story. You are a strong woman and you are quite the inspiration. I will use your story to help motivate me. Congratulations on the new lifestyle and success it has brought you.

  • You are cancerfree (NED)? Just by eating right and exercing? NO medicine at all? That’s amazing.

    I too am a stage 3 breast cancer survivor.

    Do you worry about the cancer coming back? I do.

    Do you eat chocolate? I could not live without chocolate.

  • Carol, you are truly the hero in this story. I’m sure Cathe was humbled to read it and to see how courageous and determined you were to regain your health. I am also a firm believer in what healthy eating can do for our bodies. I am so inspired by your dedication! — Renee

  • I too am a breast cancer survivor. When you refused chemotherapy again, did you take Tamoxifen or any other hormone therapy?

  • Hi Everyone, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate all of you! Hi Debbie Holliday, I also had 7 surgeries too, what kind of medication are you on? I am on Pregnenolone 50 mg, a very small amount of Progesterone cream and a small amount of Estriol. I am also in surgical menapause, I got my ovaries and tubes removed due to cysts, about 3yrs. ago. Debbie, you have to be careful of how much medication that you are on because you had cancer. Also, be careful of too much meat, especially if they contain hormones. I eat fish, turkey,greens, beans and a whole lot of healthy foods, try and eat at least one raw salad per day. Keep up the great work and keep doing Cathe’s workouts, confuse your muscles and get plenty of cardio to burn fat and calories. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. I workout 5 to 6 times per week and do Kickboxing, weight training and, some Yoga, and Tai Chi. Hi eminenz2, yes I am cancer free from changing my diet and giving up Sugar, (sugar feeds cancer)!!!, white flour, rice and potatoes, all chemicals and preservatives if I can help it. I do eat a very small amount of chocolate, dark chocolate is a healthier choice and is actually good for you. It was very hard to give up all of that stuff, but I would rather be alive and have a good quality of life! You can do it, and will feel awesome, keep the faith and always stay positive! I try and not worry about the cancer coming back, I picture myself living a long healthy life to spend with my family. I am chocked up because of the outpouring of responses that I received and I am so thankful l that Cathe put my story on here. Treat your body with kindness because you only have one life!

    Best wishes and the best of health,


    If anyone has any other questions, you are more than welcome to e-mail me, thank you. I would recommend the book “Beating Cancer With Nutrition” By Patrick Quillin, this is an excellent book that will tell you what and what not to eat while you have cancer and also to prevent it!!!

  • Carol, I was thrilled to read of your success. Best wishes for continued good health. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago at the age of 29. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes so I had a mastectomy and six rounds of chemo. I’ve been fortunate to not have a recurrence all these years, but I attribute much of that success to diet and exercise. I started doing Cathe’s workouts six years ago and lost 20 pounds, plus regained strength in my arm which had always been weak after my mastectomy. Thank you for sharing your inspirational story! Carol

  • A very moving story. Thank you for having the courage to share it. I am sure this will help many people. In fact, I am going to put this one on my facebook and my health and fitness blog.

    I am already a FB fan with Cathe and have many of her video clip workouts on my blog. I need to be more assertive about my exercise for sure. 🙂
    Thank you.

  • Hey Again,

    Hi Juana, congrats on surviving and keeping cancer away! I also refused Tamoxifen but do take small amounts of natural medicine that I mentioned above for Menopause.

    Hi Carol D, I am sorry that you had to endure breast cancer at such an early age and very glad that you are a long time survivor!! One thing that you can take is called DIM, you can order it along with alot of other supplements from for lower prices. DIM contains cruficious veggies like broccoli and cauliflower that fight breast cancer and you can also use the spice Turmeric it is a big cancer fighter and I season my food with it everyday. I have been working on a book about my story and also a natural cookbook. It is so hard to get it published but I will not give up! If it will help at least one person I will be happy! Carol, congrats on loosing 20 pounds by doing Cathe’s workouts, that is awesome and inspiring! I love all of her workouts and are always ready for a challenge!! I know what you mean about getting the strength back in your arm, I had to do a lot of shoulder exercises to prevent from getting frozen shoulder. My plastic surgeon really pushed me and I am glad that he did!
    Hi JC, you are welcome, I like to share my story to anyone that will listen. Thank you so much for putting it on your FB health and wellness fitness blog. You can add me as a friend on FB, if you would like.

    You guys have a nice day and thanks again for your wonderful words!


  • Clean eating is amazing isn’t it? I feel so much better and it is amazing the things my family has not caught (while others around our family are sick) and I am convinced it is due to our healthy eating and exercising habits. I make all of our snacks, breads, meals from scratch because honestly it’s scary what they pump our food full of!

    Have you ever watched the movies Fresh or Food Inc.? Great movies on eating clean.

    Your story is so great! Thank you for sharing!
    Cathe is great too huh?!

  • Hi Kasey H,

    You are so right about clean eating, I wish I knew this information a long time ago. I have been on my diet for over 5yrs. now and enjoying the results! I can’t say enough about the exercising part, I just love it and it always makes me feel great. I am glad that you make all of your healthy snacks for your family because it concerns me what they put in our food and say that is safe for consumption. I am a label reader and will be until the day I die, I always say, “If you can’t pronounce the word and it has a short shelf life then don’t buy it”! I have to watch that movie, I will have to rent it one of these days. Also, thank you for your kind words too, I do appreciate them and you!

    Yes, Cathe is awesome, I have been doing her workouts over 5 yrs. Have a great night.


  • Carol, I am so inspired by your story! Just having the gumption to try a Cathe workout with 1 lbs weights shows your determination. Kudos to you and may you live a long, happy, vigorous, and healthy life!

  • Carol, I cannot thank you enough. I lost my Mom to breast cancer and will never forget all she suffered, only to die anyway.

    The only way I could fight my grief was to get myself in shape and clean up my diet. Now, 7 years later, I’m a 44 year-old group fitness instructor and have my own website selling fitness wear.

    Nutrition and exercise are the most potent weapons we have against cancer. Thank you for 1) taking back control of your health, and 2) being brave enough to tell your story.

    Your story is begging to be told! Keep working at it – that book WILL be published.

    Bless you Carol, and thank you again!

    Joan Hoffmann

  • Carol,
    You truely are an amazing women,mother and sister. You have remained positive even when you were sick and at your weakest. I believe that your healthy lifestyle and electropositive attitude is what contributed to your success story. You have the gift of making peoples soul smile, use it to your advantage and keep helping people.

    Love your sister,
    Christine Ledee

  • Good Morning Amy B, Thank you for your kind words, yes those little weights felt so heavy then, but helped me fight my fight!!!
    Hi Joan, You are very welcome, I am sorry about the loss of your mother, we lost our mom to Ovarian cancer when I was 12 and her suffering saddened me. It is her soul that is pushing me to live and also my children and family, I am not going down without a fight!!! I am glad that you have cleaned up your diet and that is Awesome that you are an fitness instructor, Kudos To You!!!! Thank you, I am not going to give up about my books, have to get my butt moving!!!
    Hi Christine, My youngest sis, thank you Christine, it means alot to me what you said, I love you dearly!!! Thank you for all of the support that you have given me over the years, you truly are my best friend!!!!
    Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate all of you, keep fighting for your lives, live clean and healthy!!!!



  • Hi Everyone,

    I forgot to mention one other important thing that I have been taking for over 6yrs. that really contributed to my health and wellness. It’s called juice Plus, it is an all natural whole food supplement that contains 17 fruits and veggies in capsule form. I guess that it slipped my mind because it’s just part of my daily ritual. You can go to www. I loved it and was so impressed by it that I became a distributor 6yrs. ago. Check it out, it really is an amazing product to strengthen your immune system to fight off diseases. This also great if you don’t eat many fruits and veggies, I say the more the merrier. Hope that everyone has an awesome day!

    Health and Wellness,


  • Carol, Thank you for your inspiring and motivating words. Hope all continues to go well for you!

  • Hey Cherli,

    You are welcome, I love speaking to people to help them better their lives! Thank you, all is going well with my family and I, I love life and life loves me! Hope that all is well with you.

    Kind Regards,


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