About the Music in My Eight New Videos!

Hi Everyone! As we get closer and closer to the filming of our new DVD’s I thought I would share some of the process with you and show you how it all comes together. This post will discuss the steps taken to create the music for our DVD productions.

The first thing we do is hire a music company that specializes in creating, producing and editing our music of choice. We are proudly once again working with Myfitjam. The next step is deciding what kind of music we want to use for the DVD’s. This is always a hard decision to make because obviously everyone has different taste in music so it is important to try to provide variety as a result. For my eight new workouts I needed to have over 80 songs created.

After I have made my soundalike song selections, we then have the music company rewrite them from the ground up. They first rewrite a new instrumental background for the selected songs and then create entirely new lyrics for each of these songs. Great care is taken to make sure the songs are in some ways recognizable yet still be different enough to be legally acceptable. Keeping it legal is hugely important and something we don’t take lightly at all. I know some people wonder why we just don’t use original artist music but the licensing/royaly fees are outrageously expensive and something that even if it were possible to do would costs millions of dollars on a project this size. So with that being explained, our choices are to create upbeat energetic soundalike music from the ground up or use abundantly available stockpile music which in my opinion sounds sort of like canned elevator music. Easy choice there!

Next I compose my list of songs and send them to the music company. Along with this list I write specific directions on the speed of the music, the instruments I do and don’t like, certain sounds I find irritating and distracting etc. I work closely with an appointed music editor for many long and late hours. First draft is just the instrumental version of the modified song I select. If it meets my approval, the editor next works on creating new lyrics to match the modified song. A few days later the next draft comes in with the newly created lyrics. I give it a listen to be sure the lyrics satisfy me. If I need to make changes, I point out the specific time code where I want the change(s) and send it back. I also will send it back if I don’t feel the vocalists voice is the right fit for the song. Then I get a second revision and that one usually always passes. Many times it’s a hit on the first try though which really helps to speed things up.

Once all the songs are approved they go into production and get mixed in the order I select. I’m usually always 100% satisfied at this point but if there is something that still doesn’t seem right to me in the final burned disc, it goes back to production to get fixed and sent to me again. And that’s how it works.  This process goes on for every single DVD soundtrack we make. It is a long process that takes three to four months to complete, but one that is well worth it.

So let me share some of the music I chose for our upcoming DVD’s. It’s a combination of current top 40 radio hits, some classic rock hits from the 70’s and some dance music from the 80’s. You’ll hear soundalike remakes based on Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Rhianna, Pink, Doobie Brothers, Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, Taylor Swift, Salt N Pepper, Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Journey, Aerosmith, The Archies, Earth, Wind and Fire, Chris Brown, Flo Rida, ….and so many more!

I hope you enjoyed learning about the music process. Stay tuned for a future write up on how we create the clothing for the DVD’s.


* Our current presale prices end May 28th. | Pre-order Now |


23 Responses

  • Cathe I love your music selections for these new upcoming DVDs I especially love Chris Brown! looking for to these new workouts!

  • Wow! I had no idea that creating the music background was so time consuming! All I can say is that I have been very impressed with the music in the past DVDs and highly appreciate all the effort that is done to produce such a fine finished product. I am really looking forward to this next set of DVDs even more now! Thank you!

  • Cathe, thank you for sharing that with us and thank you so much for putting your heart and soul into every workout, even down to the music. I’ve done workout dvds (and videos!) for many years and as you already know, some of the music is terrible. I love the artist selections you’ve chosen, 70’s classic rock is music to my ears!

  • Thx for sharing your music selection process with us Cathe!! The new music lineup sounds awesome!!

  • This is great! I love the sound a likes… sometimes more than the original artist as the pace is picked up more for working out to! Thanks for adding this feature.

  • Wow that is the stuff I am so interested in! I love imagining what goes on. Your music selections sounds like all my favs!! I am now even MORE excited thank you! Truly u are so gifted

  • So glad you enjoyed the read everyone! You’re enthusiasm regarding the music makes me happy too. Ironically more songs came in for approval as I type….time to get busy 🙂

  • One of the things I love about Cathe’s workouts is the way she matches the choreography with the music. I see now it is truly a labor of love. Thank you Cathe. It makes the workouts (even when I don’t feel like working out) really fun!

  • I’m looking forward to hearing the music you selected. Sounds like a perfect mix!

  • That sounds like a Cathe and the Catheletes dance party to me!

    I love reading about the process of how these videos go from concept to consumer. Cathe’s attention and brooding over every single detail of her workouts is why she has a loyal following of fitness enthusiasts over twenty years deep. She continues to be at the cutting edge of workouts and never once has given us a junk workout just to make money.

    The music is always top notch in her workouts. Thanks Cathe for sharing this with us.

  • I love, love, love your workouts, music, choreography, everything! Keep up the good work Cathe! You are rockin’ awesome! 😉

  • I’ve always found it amazing how you were able to fit the music with each exercise. You are greatly appreciated, besides very talented, smart, fit, and so on.

  • Cathe, I had no idea selecting the music was that involved and time comsuming! Really interesting to get a glimpse into how involved it is. As if creating the workout isn’t hard enough! I know in a future article, u are going to discuss how the outfits are chosen – looking forward to that! I’d also be interested to read how the cast members are chosen…

  • Cathe, Thank you for sharing so much with us regarding the process of making your workouts. I eagerly check the blog hoping for a tibit of information and get so excited when there’s a new posting. I’d really love cast bios!

  • I had no idea the work this process takes. I have been thinking lately about why your Cathe Dvd’s cost more than others and I have come to the idea that it has a lot to do with how many premixes you do. I now know it also has to do with the music!

  • Cathe, I really enjoyed reading about the process of your music selection, I had no idea that the lyrics were changed! I recognized many of the songs you put in X-Train and whoda thunk the lyrics were different! Thank you for sharing that with us!

  • Speaking of music, please help me out here. I love “All out Low Impact Hiit” and the music is great. I know the warm up song is a Pink sound alike, but what is the name of the song that is for exercises 1-5? This song is so catchy and has been stuck in my head all morning. Help!

  • Your music selection for the last couple of dvd collections has been AWESOME!! I love hearing music I recognize rather than the traditional “elevator music” that many home workouts use. Good music is so motivating during a tough workout. Thank you for all you do!!!!

  • I agree with the others that the selections for your most recent releases are great. My only (tiny) complaint is the “ignore the beat” moments for some of the exercises. Although they are few, I feel this is an important detail that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  • When Cathe says “ignore the beat” it’s not because she forgot something, it’s because the movement can’t be done to a beat correctly. Not all exercises and movements work with a beat. This is especially true of heavy lifting exercises.