4 Day Split – Music Details

I am LOVING the music for the 4 Day Split series. We used Big Beat Music, once again, and I have to tell you I couldn’t be happier with each of the four soundtracks. What I like the most is that the vocal tracks are non-recognizable (other than one top hit song “Start The Dance” which is the warm up song for Lower Intensity Step) but still really good songs so you enjoy hearing them again and again. You will definitely find yourself humming these tunes throughout the day even when you are not working out.

I already described how Higher Intensity Step had great energetic music, so let me tell you that the other tracks all have music that suit the style of the workouts. Many months ago I actually took a whole day and did nothing but listen to close to a thousand music samples that were DVD ready. The reason I say DVD ready is because you can’t just pick any music you hear and love (wouldn’t that be a dream come true, wink). You can only choose songs from samples that are available and approved for DVD/TV use. Those songs, licenses, and costs differ greatly from music that you hear on something like instructor CD’s used to teach classes with. I’m pretty picky and like the music to have a certain energy and feel to compliment the workout. I get a little “cranky” when the selections that I’m looking for aren’t available and I have to somewhat settle for the less exciting selections because, gosh, let’s face it, the music SO critical to support the workouts momentum. This is why I am really excited about this 4 Day Split music. It has all the elements I’m looking for.
A lot of musical variety, style, and punch to match the mood in each workout. The last time I had this good feeling about non-recognizable music was during the Intensity Series. I can’t wait for you to hear it.