This Weeks Success Story Spotlight – Erika


Congratulations to Erika for being selected as our featured Success Story Spotlight this week. Erika’s is a certified aerobics instructor whose success story is about how she lost 21 pounds using our new STS Shock Training Fitness program in just 3 1/2 months.  Here is just one quote from Erika’s success story…

“Then STS was launched. I thought, “Cathe has to be crazy!!” Work a muscle group ONCE per week? Cardio on Non STS days? That’s only 4 times in a week! TAKE A WEEK TO REST?!? Cathe is just inhaling funny gas now! I laughed looking at some of the forum comments. Many felt intimidated by Cathe and STS. I thought she was slacking!! But as always, I trust her, so I bought STS and faithfully followed it. Much to my extreme amazement and utter pleasure, I lost 21 pounds in the first 3 1/2 month rotation!”

You can now view Erika’s complete Success Story on our  home page.  Each week we will select a different success story to be featured in our Success Story Spotlight. If your submission is selected for our “Success Story” spotlight on the home page you will receive a $100 gift certificate that may be used at (presale items excluded).

Categories: Announcements, Blog