Success Story Spotlight: Strong After Baby by Sierra

I have three children and have used workout DVDs to get in shape after each of them. When I found Cathe’s videos (Fit T.V.!) I was very impressed. She truly is in a class of her own and leads the field in professionalism and putting out the most cutting edge, effective workouts.

I am in the best shape I have even been in, thanks in large part to Cathe’s videos. My favorites when I am short on time are the HIIT workouts and Circuit Blast. On a Saturday morning I love to get my butt kicked with butts and guts or drill max. Muscle Endurance helped me take my strength training to the next level.

Even my kids like to ‘workout’ with me. I’ve challenged my husband to try a Cathe workout with me but he will not because of how challenging they are (he doesn’t want to be upstaged!).
Exercising consistently has helped me to control my stress levels resulting from motherhood in general and my oldest child with special needs. It is critical in helping me keep an upbeat and positive outlook on life.

The weight loss has been tougher after my third baby. I had to take it easy to keep my milk supply up. I kept at it though. I am not at my pre-baby weight because I have put on 10 pounds of muscle on my previously too-thin frame. I eat a lot of healthy fats (coconut, butter, fish oil) nuts, cheese, chicken, and veggies. I try to keep the grains to a minimum. It is great to be strong and it really comes in handy when I am carrying around my heavy toddler or bringing in 7 grocery bags. I can do 8 unassisted chin-ups (I never thought that was possible!) and I can easily keep up with my kids.

Consistently challenging yourself is just that- challenging. But once it becomes a way of life it is very satisfying and confidence-boosting. I actually really enjoy and look forward to the tough workouts.
I love Cathe because she epitomizes what it means to be a strong, successful and beautiful woman. Plus when you start up a new Cathe DVD you know it is going to challenge you! Thanks Cathe! 🙂

6 Responses

  • Good for you! It can’t be easy but three kids and you’re doing it. You look terrific. Bravo!!

  • Thanks for sharing! Very inspiring, and with 3 kids?! That’s even more amazing. You look fit and healthy! Nicely done!

  • Sierra, you are incredible! Cathe is absolutely the best but you had the drive and work ethic to get there. Thanks for a dose of motivation. I just got back from vacation and started STS mesocycle 1 yesterday. I did Crossfire today. Any suggestions for working pullups and chin ups? I have this strange mental block with them . Before travel I was sticking with the sts cycle one rep load and assisting myself with heels on a chair and using a doorframe pullup bar. What a mess…

    I’m determined to work them hard these four mesocycle one weeks!

  • Abigail, I think when I started I could do two or three.
    I would do pullups first, after you warm up, before you are fatigued. Even with some assistance you are still challenging yourself. Just keep at it and do it every day.
    Thank you! I’m a bit obsessed with pullups because I think it is such a great exercise. Plus it helps with my back so much. I have a hyperkyphosis and when I am doing pullups my back pain goes way down.