STS Filming Update

As of today we’re about 60% done with the filming phase of STS. We currently are filming just about every other day and sometimes more. At our current rate we should finish all filming sometime towards the end of next week. NFL Films has been working 24/7 on STS since filming began several weeks ago. On a typical day we film from early morning until 7 or 8pm at night. NFL Films then takes the days tape production and has crews digitizing and rough editing the tapes during the night. During the day NFL films senior editors continue the editing process and our director joins them on any off days. We still have a tremendous amount of editing work to do, but things are progressing nicely.

The filming and editing on STS will be far superior to anything we have ever done. Though things are moving along nicely, we are going through every frame and every detail making sure the quality of STS is second to none.

Cathe is working some incredible hours and looks forward to rejoining the forums once filming is completed and she finally has some free time. We also have a backlog of pictures to share with you, but filming doesn’t leave a lot of free time to do so right now. After next week and the completion of filming we will have more time and look forward to sharing the exciting details of STS with you. In the meantime we will do our best to keep you in the loop