Previous to this photo I’d lost some weight and was wearing anywhere from a six to eight, down from ten-twelve. I took in a boarder as a favor and the result of that move was I couldn’t exercise when I wanted to, so I decided to let myself go, this was the result. I ate whatever I wanted in any quantity I wanted, with no exercise. This picture of me (on the left) was what shocked me into seeing how ridiculously fat I’d let myself get.
It’s funny how a person can have an image of themselves in their head of how they look that has no bearing on reality. It was so bad that not even the fact that I couldn’t fit into certain items of clothing was enough of a hint to make me do something about what I looked like.
I got serious after I entered a body transformation contest (which required more photos), I pulled out all of the
Cathe DVD’s I owned and started the process of remaking myself. Oh, I stumbled a few times, taking an aerobics class without changing my eating habits, which didn’t work at all. I then referenced some bodybuilding resources and learned that in addition to cardio, I needed to weight train and eat cleanly, a difficult task, but not an insurmountable one.
While I still haven’t reached my ultimate goal of 139-140 lbs, I am well on my way toward it…clean eating, weight training and Cathe’s videos are the weapons in my arsenal to get the body I crave at 48 years of age. My final goal is to take a photo in a bikini and be proud of it because my stomach’s flat and there are beautiful muscles taking the place of the bulges and cellulite that remain!
You look wonderful!! Keep up the good work.
Wow, no way do you look 48! You are on the right path; just stay on it! Well done.
May I ask how tall you are…I’m around 160 right now (5’6″) and hope to get to 145 in about 6 weeks. This is a great motivator keep up the good work! I’ve been doing Cathe pretty consistently now for 3-4 months and have lost around 15 pounds but the biggest difference I’ve seen is in my muscles. My arms now have definition like they’ve never had before and honestly I don’t feel like I’m overworking them at all. Thank you so much for sharing your story and hope I’ll be posting mine here one day too!
You look absolutely fabulous! There is now way you’re 48! You inspire me. Keep it up!
You look wonderful — and happy!
You look awesome, girl! Whew! I pray that I look like you @ 48!
I was just in a similar situation, had 5 family members move in with me and had to give up my workout room in order to accommodate sleeping quarters. As a result, I really cut back on my workouts, as well as watching what I ate (trying to please everyone, and not look so “obsessive” about eating clean). Many extra lbs have resulted, and I am looking forward to getting back on track now (everyone’s moved out, got tons of space to workout, and full control of the menu)! Thanks for the motivation, and the reminder, that it can be done!
You look fantastic! And healthy! Thank you for sharing your story.
You look amazing! Keep up the good work. I am going to be 46 in August and my goal is to also take a bikini photo and be proud of my healthy and happy 46 yo body. I am just starting the journey but I am determined to make it a reality. You’re great inspiration!!
AWESOME job!! You are such an inspriration to those in their 40’s (that includes me!). I can’t wait to see your final photos!! Go kick some body-transformation booty!
You look absolutely beautiful! Keep up the great work!
What else can be said? You look great and came a long way! Very inspiring? Thanks for posting. 🙂
You look absolutely amazing! I, too, have let myself go. I’m 47 and have noticed a big difference in weight gain the last few years. I have always exercised, but recently my exercise pattern has been inconsistent and I have not changed my eating habits. Thanks for giving me the motivation to be more consistent with my exercise and to also eat “clean.” Keep up the good work.
Awesome job! Count me in as one more person who supports you as well as wishing for my own personal health goals to be met. As for Cathe, what can I say? She rocks!! God bless 🙂
I am 5′ 6 or 7 tall, Stacey and am preparing to begin my Cathe brigade all over again on April 1. I now know what my body limitations are, and that getting to 130 or 140, (or less than size 6) is unrealistic for my pear shaped body. My new goal is to maintain beautiful arm muscles, have a flat stomach and keep the inches off my frame, even if I can’t have thigh muscles as defined as I’d like, fitting into my clothes is worth the work!
Thank you all for your encouragement!
You look awesome.