Cedie’s Bio

Cedie Boylan
I am 42 years old, married for 17 years and I have two handsome sons, 9 and 6. How the time is flying with them getting so big. I have been a Health and Physical Education teacher for the last 17 years and I absolutely love my job. Most days anyway 😉 My hobbies include first, watching my boys play football and wrestling. I’m so proud of them and love cheering them on like a crazy mom on the sidelines. Secondly, I enjoy working out at Four Seasons. I have taken classes with Cathe for over 15 years now. Wow Cath, and she still inspires me to work my hardest.I normally like to work out at least 4 to 5 days a week. Switching it up now and then has helped me stay motivated. I like to do at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardio 3 days a week. I do this by taking classes with Cathe or running on the treadmill. Classes are much more fun and YES!!!—harder than the treadmill. I work two body parts a day, incorporating at least 3 to 4 different exercises per body part. I am still learning so much about weights and love it, love it, love it. My diet, (must I disclose) I love to eat whatever I want, when ever I want. Especially at night – I still have crumbs in my bed at times. However, I have been cleaning up my diet a lot lately. I eat a lot of salads, proteins and lots of water. Oh, then my cherry licorice after I’m done. HA!! Thanks again to everyone out there who support Cathe and all she does. We are all truely blessed by her amazing talent and inspired by her warm heart and kind words. Keep steppin. Cedie

7 Responses

  • Hey! I was looking for your bio, finally found it . I just want to tell you that you look amazing and that I admire you for having survived Cathe’s workouts for many years now. Wow. Also, my mom is around your age, and you’ve inspired her to exercise again. Thanks 🙂

  • I am so happy I found your bio! For years I wondered what you did! I am glad the search is over! When I do the Step DVDs the second person I look for is you!! You are so happy doing the Step! I don’t know how you do it!! I am addicted to step! To bad in 2018 the Step isn’t in fashion anymore! But, I still try to conquer the ones that Cathe did in even in 1995, and yes you are there smiling away, which you are totally awesome! Don’t worry I was 18years old in 1995, and I am over the hill now. I haven’t seen you on any of the new DVDs, in 2017, I hope you are okay?? You probably are. Those don’t have the traditional, the Step, routines, 50 mins, like the old days!! Just wanted to give you a shout out Cede! You are Totally Awesome and you keep stepping too!! Jenny

  • Still doing this after 16 years. All the people that were on my first CD.

  • Cedie, you are so fun and inspiring, and it was so great meeting you in person at the 2005 Road Trip — I have fun pictures of all of us. I sure would like to see you in some of the new workouts. Hope all is going well. Blessings to you and your family. 🙂