
Get Ripped With HiiT

  • 9 workouts on 7 DVDs
  • Only $11 per Workout
  • Includes 74 Premixes with various time options so you will never get bored 
  • Includes 2 Bonus Core Workouts
  • Gives your body a metabolic boost long after training is over
  • Shorter workouts that don't require all of your time so you can select workouts that fit your time schedule and goals.
  • Free Ripped With HiiT User's Guide will show you how to use your Ripped With HiiT workout videos and comes with six different workout programs you can follow

Click below to order my Hiit Series

Get Ripped with HiiT. Ships Worldwide for Free!

When you want a workout that's relatively short, challenging and effective, whats your best option? HiiT training, of course. These nine Ripped with HiiT (TM) videos have been designed by me to produce the maximum amount of results in as short of a time as I feel possible. With growing evidence that exercise intensity is more important than duration, high-intensity interval training is a no-brainer. Plus, its time efficient, perfect for those days when you have minimal time to work out.

Ripped with HiiT DVDs can be purchased separately or as a 7 DVD discount bundle (all DVDs in one case) that can be ordered now for only $99 - that's only $11 per workout.

This series is truly the best of both worlds. Heavy Weights and HiiT Training...the ultimate combo to get ripped and lean!

Our workout DVDs are known for their outstanding chapter menus and/or workout premixes that give you more control and workout options than other exercise DVDs. All Ripped with HiiTTM DVDs contain numerous premixes (The Ripped With HiiT Workout DVD series contains a total of 74 premixed workouts) and you can select almost every exercise from the DVDs chapter menus.

If you want to watch all 9 of the video clips from the Ripped with HiiT workout series or see a list of "Premixes" for each workout you will need to click on the individual exercise DVDs below, not the discount bundle.

Our online Free Ripped With HiiT User's Guide will show you how to use your Ripped With HiiT workout videos and comes with six different workout programs you can follow. You can view and download the Free Ripped With HiiT User's Guide from our website.

This DVD Multi-Pack Contains 9 Workouts on 7 DVDs

Ripped With HiiT Low Impact Hiit

This discount bundle contains all 9 of my Ripped With HiiT workouts on 7 DVDs all enclosed in one protective case. Ripped with HiiT combines three solid heavy weight workouts (on three separate DVDs), four solid cardio based HiiT high intensity workouts (on two DVDs), and two circuit Hiit workouts (on two DVDs). Why all the focus on HiiT training? Studies suggest that HiiT training is better at burning fat than other forms of cardiovascular training. Researchers believe this is because the body is unable to really predict what you're going to do and, therefore, has a harder time going into what is known as steady state where its easy to conserve energy (calories). Another contributing factor is that HiiT revs up your metabolism, increasing the rate at which your body consumes oxygen for up to 24 hours after your workout (the after burn effect you've heard me talk about so many times before).

My Ripped with HiiT series has been designed by me to produce the maximum amount of results in as short of a time as I feel possible. While my goal for this series is to keep the workouts as time efficient as possible (most coming in at 47 minutes or less), the length of a workout is not nearly as important as the intensity of the workout. When it comes to producing changes and results in your body intensity is what these workouts are all about. All workouts will feature premixes and you will have the option of even doing time saving single muscle group premixes with each of the upper body Lift it Hit it workouts.

OK, I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Let me back up a bit and share the sweaty details of each workout in my new Ripped with HiiT series with you.

About My 7 High Intensity Interval DVDs

(9 workouts + 2 Bonus Core workouts)

HiiT Circuit Upper Body

Get ready to break a sweat!! This high intensity circuit workout mixes traditional weighted upper body exercises along with popular HiiT training methods, compound exercises and plyometrics to develop power and explosive strength while tightening and shaping the entire body. Expect to burn lots of calories and unwanted body fat in this unique high energy workout. A set of moderate to heavy dumbbells is all that's needed for this workout.

HiiT Circuit Lower Body

Who says that HiiT workouts cant be fun?! This high intensity, lower body workout is super-charged with cardio and strength to build lean, strong legs without forgetting the fun factor. A mix of traditional weighted exercises along with plyometric exercises are incorporated to develop power and explosive strength all while tightening and shaping the lower body. A step, a weighted barbell and moderate to heavy dumbbells are all that's needed to get the job done!

Lift It Hit It Chest, Triceps and Shoulders

This intense upper body strength training workout focuses on exhausting the chest, triceps and shoulder muscle groups. You'll completely work each muscle group before moving on to the next. Most exercises will consist of three heavy sets with a goal of 12 or less reps per set. After the third set you'll hit it with an intense finisher set to really fire up those muscles!

You'll be using heavy weights in this workout and should be going to failure on at least some of the sets in each muscle group. Intensity matters so always make sure that you are choosing a weight that challenges you!

Lift It Hit It Back, Biceps and Shoulders

This intense upper body strength training workout will focus on exhausting your back, biceps and shoulder muscle groups. You'll completely work each muscle group before moving on go the next. Most exercises will consist of three heavy sets with a goal of 12 or less reps per set. After the third set you'll hit it with an intense finisher set to really fire up those muscles!

You'll be using heavy weights in this workout and should be going to failure on at least some of the sets in each muscle group. Intensity matters so always make sure that you are choosing a weight that challenges you!

Lift It HiiT It Legs

This intense lower body workout is based on a technique called contrast training. This method kick starts muscle growth by shocking your muscles into recruiting additional high threshold muscle fibers thereby increasing strength and lean body mass. In this workout you'll do a weighted exercise followed by an explosive plyometric exercise for several rounds to stimulate muscle growth in the lower body. This workout is sure to help you break through plateaus and recharge your lower body workout routine. For best results, take a few rest days between all contrast training sessions to allow proper recovery time and avoid unnecessary overuse risks. Ready to give this workout a go? Let's HiiT it!

Low Impact HiiT

Get ready to ignite your metabolism with two low impact HiiT cardio routines that explode with high energy! Your feet may stay grounded, but your heart rate certainly wont! Low impact HiiT One challenges you with high intensity, low impact intervals in a very short amount of time. A pair of dixie cups and a yoga mat are all you need to get the job done! In Low Impact HiiT Two you'll do a mix of low impact, rapid fire cardio drills mixed with weighted metabolic exercises for the ultimate fat burning workout! If you're looking to maximize results in the least amount of time these workouts are for you!

Plyo HiiT

Are you ready for take off?! Plyo HiiT includes two supercharged high intensity workouts that are sure to keep fat burning for hours after your workout has ended! In Plyo HiiT One periods of intense exercise are followed by very short rests. You'll keep your muscles engaged and guessing with random interval-to-rest ratios and varied tempos. Plyo HiiT Two utilizes these same principles but takes the workout onto the step. So get ready to take things up a notch (6 to 8 inches to be exact) in Plyo Hiit Two for power packed, high intensity 'step' aerobic intervals that are sure to keep those hearts pumping!

OMG!!!! I needed to up my game. So I thought I would try Cathe's HiiT workouts and they really kicked my butt! I LOVE THEM! I have done other HiiT videos and did not get the workout I got from Cathe!    – Suz Pitts

I was skeptical of the shorter workout times; I was a little concerned of losing strength and endurance gains from a recent STS Rotation. After completing five of these workouts I'm no longer concerned. The strength workouts are tough! The cardio workouts are short, but intense. These have left me energized rather than exhausted.    – Pamela Gatlin

(Ripped With HiiT Low Impact HiiT) …I've never loved to get my butt kicked so much! Thanks for the addition of the still tough low impact workouts! Just when you think you can't make it....you're done.    – Schlonda

Cathe really did it well here once again the new moves and creative workout made the time fly! I started with a premix of both low impact hit's back to back right at the start.....WOW! The best part is I have low disc problems and it did not hurt my low back at all. I felt invigorated and not exhausted. The music was smack on and I enjoyed it to the MAX! Cathe did it again!

This may be Cathe's toughest workout thus far. I'm very fit (fitness athlete) and this leaves me winded every time. Don't let that discourage you, though! It is a very fun workout, with new combos and thoughtful programming. Also, it is very easy to modify, if needed. Great one, Cathe!

What is HiiT Training?

HiiT Defined

High-intensity interval training is a form of cardiovascular training in which you alternate between periods of very hard exercise and periods of easy to moderate exercise. The intense period generally gets you into the anaerobic zone, or between 80 and 90% of your maximum heart rate (220 minus your age). Although there is no real standardized form, the common practice is to use a ratio of two to one or three to one throughout the workout. For example, you might give it your all with 30 seconds of cannonballs followed by 15 seconds of shuffles. Due to the intensity involved, most HiiT workouts last just 45 minutes or less, with some, such as Tabatas, lasting as little as four minutes.


Studies suggest that HiiT training is better at burning fat than other forms of cardiovascular training. Researchers believe this is because the body is unable to really predict what you’re going to do and, therefore, has a harder time going into what is known as steady state where it’s easy to conserve energy (calories). Another contributing factor is that HiiT revs up your metabolism, increasing the rate at which your body consumes oxygen for up to 24 hours after your workout (the afterburn effect).

HiiT also appears to boost overall athletic performance. It improves both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, which basically means that you are not going to fatigue as quickly. You may be able to do exercises faster or for longer durations as a result.

Experts believe that HiiT also is helpful for reducing cardiovascular disease. Rather than keep you working at a super-charged pace for the entire workout, which can result in inflammatory responses that actually scar and damage the heart over time, HiiT asks you to perform at a high level only briefly, offering a chance to recover a bit. This type of work is much more in line with the way the heart is designed to operate. It also is able to work all three types of muscle fibers: red slow-twitch, white fast-twitch and white superfast twitch. Getting all three types of muscle fibers involved provides maximum benefit to the heart, and traditional, lower-intensity, steady-pace cardio training simply falls flat here, activating only red slow-twitch fibers.

With the cardiovascular system getting excellent training and fat burn kicked into high gear, people often find that they lose weight. Dropping even a few pounds reduces stress on the heart, as it needn’t work quite as hard. It also can make the body more responsive to insulin, which may cut the odds of developing type-2 diabetes.

HiiT Circuit Lower Body

5 Amazing Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss

Weight loss is a tough subject. Anyone starting their journey is almost always overwhelmed. With so many things to pick and choose from, how do you know what’s right and what isn’t? Naturally, people pick one method of exercise and try it for a period of time, only to give up when they see minimal results. They get discouraged and go back to their old ways, only to repeat the cycle down the line when the next latest and greatest fad comes into play.

Are you someone who is living that life and wants to do finally something about it? If so, you should know that there is one type of training that has been giving people excellent results. Not just any results, but real, life-changing results that last. It’s known as high intensity interval training, and it can help you mold your body into something you can truly be proud of!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): The Beginning of Your Weight Loss Success

High intensity interval training (also known as HIIT) is a unique exercise method that has been proven to increase fat loss while keeping muscle mass intact. It requires short bursts of intensive aerobic activity with small windows of rest in between, thus pushing your heart rate towards your maximum, rather than keeping it stuck in the “fat loss” zone.

If you haven’t been getting the results you’ve wanted to with traditional exercise and want to try something different, HIIT is worth trying. To give you even more of a reason to give it a shot, check out these 5 incredible benefits you could get by making it your main method of exercise:

 #1 – It Gives Your Body a Metabolic Boost Long After Training is Over

High intensity interval training is special for the fact that it grabs your metabolism by the horns and takes it for a wild ride! After your initial training session is over, your metabolism is still revved up and running in high gear, resulting in more calories burned over a 24 hour period (when compared to traditional exercise). The more calories you are able to melt off throughout the day equates to a higher percentage of weight loss over time.

Some folks argue that steady-state cardio (such as walking on a treadmill for an hour) will burn more calories than a 20 minute HIIT session. While the comparison itself is in fact true, many forget that it’s not how many calories you burn in a workout, but how many you actually burn in a day. If you want to annihilate fat, high intensity interval training is the way to go.

#2 – It Doesn’t Require All of Your Time

We live in a busy world where every ounce of free time is treasured like a family heirloom. People don’t have an hour or two a day to dedicate to their workout. The misconception that long workouts equal more fat loss is half the reason why many people don’t make exercise a part of their daily life to begin with.

HIIT is great for this exact reason. Most workouts can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes, yet the benefits will last all day. If you can’t find a way to squeeze in a 20 to 30 minute workout each day, it might be time to reassess your goals and figure out how you can alter your schedule to make it work. Try it for a couple of weeks and see how you do. Once you see your results, you will wonder how you never had the time to make it happen!

#3 – It’s Flexible and Can Be Done Anywhere (No Gym Required)

Hate going to the gym? You’re not alone. If you barely have enough time to exercise, how can anyone expect you to drive to a gym and get your workout in? When you consider the time it takes to exercise and travel, it can take up a significant chunk of your day (or night).

Here’s the deal – HIIT can be done at any place, any time! In fact, you can get in a fat blasting workout that will ignite your metabolism right in the privacy of your own home. No special equipment is required. All you need is your body and a few minutes to make your weight loss goals become a reality.

#4 – Your Endurance Will Dramatically Increase

Are you constantly fighting for energy in the middle of the day? Do you wish you could keep up with your kids or be able to run without gasping for air? Whatever the case may be, high intensity interval training can help break you out of the funk and give you the energy you need to make it through anything.

When you adopt HIIT as your exercise of choice, you will focus on aerobic fitness and strength/bodyweight training. As your body starts to shed fat and add on some muscle, you will start to feel more energetic and alive. Ask anyone who has adopted a HIIT regimen and they will tell you the same thing. It flat out works!

#5 – Muscle Loss is Limited

When most people start an exercise routine with the goal of losing weight in mind, it’s almost a sure bet that some muscle mass will be lost in the process. The reason is due to the typical steady-state cardiovascular exercise approach. If you’re walking on the treadmill for an hour a day and limiting your exposure to any sort of strength training, you can’t expect to retain most of the muscle hiding under your fat.

By following a proper high intensity interval training protocol, you can actually limit your muscle loss while melting the fat away from your frame at the same time. You will also be able to build strength and sculpt your body in the process. No matter how you look at it, the process is a win-win.

Looking for some HiiT videos to try at home?  Check out my new Ripped With HiiT DVDs