ww check in


Hi everyone,
I am sitting here at 6:30 in the morning wondering what Cathe video I would be able to handle right about now.My legs don't feel like they are up to it.
Anyway,Will we be having a ww check in for the people who decided that they want to do it? Then I will start.
AS you know I only have a few pounds to lose but when I got on the scale Thurs morning I was a couple pounds heavier then what I normally am.I didn't really start to count my points until that very moment.But on Sat morning I was back at my usual weight.Mon,Tues, and Wed are write offs.I had a baby shower Wed night.The food was on real.
I have been doing cardio first thing in the morning and then eating 6-7 meals a day.MY friend called me yesterday morning and she has done WW for about 3 years.She is finding it really hard to stay on track lately so we made a plan to weigh ourselves ever SAt morning.I don't care what I weigh, just as long as I can fit back into my dress pants comfortably.They are all to tight.I had to wear jeans to work all week.
So, this is how my week went.I think that sun morning would be a better time to check in.
Hope evryone else had a better week.
Hello Lori,

How much do you weigh (if you don't mind me asking)? Since you only have a 'couple of pounds' to lose and since you 'don't care what you weigh' then you don't need to go on a WW. Increase your level of exercise and do it at a time when your body is most efficient at burning fuel (I read that weight training is best done in the afternoon - I personally, prefer to exercise later in the day when I feel my body is at it's strongest and I can work harder than first thing in the morning).

BTW. I don't have 6-7 small meals a day either, I stick to 3. Firstly, because I can't be seen to be munching all day while at work and secondly, I don't like to eat all the time - it just encourages you to eat more.

I got on the scale this morning, and I have lost 2 lbs. I was happy. I started counting my points last Sunday. I eat many small meals throughout the day also. That is what works best for me. I also figured out a plan yesterday on altering my points. Low points some days, and higher points on others. I am in the 25(max) point range, but I figured my points to be at 28. I was pretty hungry a few days last week, so we will see how it goes. The best thing I like about WW's is POPCORN!!!! I can live on that!
Lori S.
Just to let people know WW is fine even if you want to dropo 5 pounds. As a lifetime member, I find that staying on program is wnat keeps me in my healthy weight range. If I go on a food vacation, I just go back to 18-23 points for my range, however I recommend eating you activity points, or you will be undernourished on those Cathe workout days.

I really recomend the Wendie plan. It is WW points (with variation)in that for the week your total number of points is in range. However you have higher days and lower days and even one super high day per week. I find it to be interesting! try this link:


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Hi Yen,
I don't just have a couple(as in 2)more like 5-8 pounds that I would like to get rid of.They say the last few are the hardest.I am 7 pounds from what I was about 6 years ago.I would think that it is better to lose 5 pounds now, and have control then to have 15 ponds in 10 years time.
I said I don't care what the scale says but I want to fit into my pants.Obviously I am probably not going to move the scale a whole lot b/c I weight train.I am already fitting whatever workouts I can into my day.( iwork out at least once sometimes twice)
I eat 6 meals a day but they only range from 150 -250 cals per meal.And then that leaves a little bit of room for a "treat" if I wish.One of my meals could be as simple as a shake.Not to much trouble to eat at all when I am working.Eating this way keeps me feeling satisfied,I don't have any cravings and if I eat at 12:30 and then I don't have dinner until 6:30 then I will probably eating everything in the cupboards when I get home.Thats when I would be eating more.I can't very well 'eat more' when I pack my snack to take to work and that is all there is at work to eat.
We have to do what is best for ourselves and I am.What you do may work for you but this work s for me.
Hello Lori,

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't criticising you or your eating habits. The point I am trying to make is that things like WW encourages you to become a lifetime member. They want you to adopt their eating style - counting points, calories or whatever. The problem I think with that is that you end up trapped in a cycle of forever counting how many points or calories of each food. I would always encourage people to eat healthily rather than counting calories. I would prefer people to understand nutrition and good foods and bad foods for themselves becaue if it's something you do for yourself then you are more likely to stick with it in the long term. Rather than say this food is worth so many points, I say an apple is better than piece of cake and I would eat the apple or two. Eat foods for their nutritional contents rather than how many grams of fat they contain, because not all fats are bad.

I think I am waffling and I don't know if it makes sense to you, but my position is that I would not like to be a 'lifetime member' of anything because it just means paying money all the time and somebody I don't know, who doesn't know my lifestyle or personality telling me what to do. I have read many weight loss success stories and the ones that are most sustainable in the long term has always been from people who did it themselves e.g. our friend Donna (aka getnfit@38).

And you are right about the 5-6 meals a day thing: I actually eat 3 main meals with snacks in between sometimes so I think I probably eat frequent meals, just didn't realise it.

Hi Yen,
No, I didn't take you wrong way.You weren't asking anything out of the way.
I do understand what you are saying,totally.But I didn't pay to go to WW.Two of my friends use to go and they have the books so she loaned them to me.I use to be pretty paticular about what I ate and still am.When I first met my husband and I was going to collage I put on 15 pounds.I started counting fat grams all the time, that was the thing then.Or atleast I thought it was.But I was also aware of my calories.I ate way to many carbs on the low fat/no fat thing.Gradually all the things I cut out slowly came back into my life,butter,cream cheese,fried foods......but I don't eat alot of them.
I also have a major sweet tooth.I could eat choclate until the cows come home.And I am a picker as well.Although I didn't gain much weight, the last few monthes have been crazy.I would come home from work and while I was making dinner I would eat a couple hand fulls of chips, a cookie...pick at this...pick at that.By the time dinner was ready I wasn't hungry and I probably wasn't hungry while I was picking either.But I feel as if I need to get control of the situation before it gets to out of hand.If I have something to count then it will keep me from picking.
I did figure out that when you do convert your points into calories , your calorie intake is pretty low.My points would be from 18-23.It is only 50 cals per point.So, on a 23 poin day I would only be eating 1150 cals.So, I eat a few more points.
I am not obsessing about this and I may have it all throw'in down in a couple of days.It just gives me something to go by and keeps me in tack.And I want to fit back into my old dress pants.
Oh, to answer your other question.I am 5'3" and weigh (as of yesterday)126.5.123 is normal for me.
Have a good day,
Don't forget that all the veggies are zero points but have some calories. Five servings of veggies in a day may be zero points but could be 250 calories. Of course this is not a bad thing. I just wanted to point out that more than 1150 calories are most likely being consumed.
Also, if you eat high fiber foods you are getting more calories per point. In reality, may not be eating as few calories as you think. Any hoot, It is still IMHO a great program for life.

Good luck on your lifelong journey :D

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
When I just try to eat healthy, and follow no structure, I eat too many calories and gain weight. That is why I am 10-12 lbs. heavier than I should be. Counting points is pretty easy really. I lost over 20 lbs. a few years ago on WW's. WW's encourages a lot of processed foods, but whole foods work great too, which I mostly try to stick too. The processed foods are great though, they give you great shortcuts when you want the real thing!!!!
Lori S.

Once you get to your goal weight, you do not have to pay anymore as long as you stay within 3? lbs. of it.
Hi guys,
I am also trying to follow WW online program. When I started in April, I was very motivated and followed by points religiously, I did lose 9 pounds in about 2.5 months. After that with vacation and now I don't know what I am finding it hard to follow my points.

This week I tried to plan my meals for the week, however Monday and Tuesday I ended up eating what was available at work and going way over my points. I want to lose about 10 pounds and I do exercise mostly with Cathe 4-5 times a week and I just got an indoor trainer for my bike so I will be doing that also.

Sorry this is so long, but I think this might help me if I know there are some others doing WW and Cathe. Thanks again for listening. Hopefully tomorrow I can follow what I planned to eat.


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