Workout Abbreviations


Hi All,

I need help. Is there a new updated list of all Cathe's workouts and the abbreviations used? I do get some of them, B&G is Butts and Gutts right?
I would really appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction! Thank you so much, hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Oh, by the way, B&G totally kicks butt, quite literally, love it!

B&G + Butts & Gutts
LIC = Low Impact Circuit
DM = Drill Max
BM2 (just in passing: eew)= Body Max 2
CF - Cardio Fusion

CTX = Cross Train Express
S&H = Slow and Heavy Series
GS = Gym Styles series
LM = Low Max
HSC = High Step Circuit
MM = Muscle Max
CM = Core Max
KM - Kick Max

HSTA = High Step Training Advanced

PP / SS = Push-Pull and Supersets
KPC = Kick Punch Crunch
L&G = Legs & Glutes
SB = Step Blast
SJP = Step Jump Pump

BC - Boot Camp
ME - Muscle Endurance
PUB / PLB = Pyramid Upper Body / Pyramid Lower Body

PS = Pure Strength
PH = Power Hour
MIS = Maximum Intensity Strength
MIC = Maximum Intensity Cardio
RS = Rhythmic Step
BM (see above) = Body Max

That's all I can think of for now for consistently used abbreviations.


Hi there:)

so glad to see an abbreviation list WITH their meanings!! I was going to post the same question. Sorry to butt in here but there is an abbreviation that I haven't figured out yet...maybe I'm a bit dense here but what is DOMS - that thing people get after a tough workout?
>BM2 (just in passing: eew)= Body Max 2
>BM (see above) = Body Max

I always refer to these aas BMax2 and BMax (the other is 'too eeew for me).

(I don't know what I'd do if I were discussion Rob Glick's (?) Amazing Step Styles, LOL!

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