Winsor Pilates


New Member
Hi everyone, I am planning to buying the "Winsor pilates" tapes. Has anybody in this forum try it??? Does any one have any comments (positive/negative) Your advise is very much appreciated.

Thank you
Hello Leanne,

I tried the Winsor Pilates tapes and wound up selling them to another person on the FIRM Ya-Ya forum. Quite frankly, I didn't want to work that hard on something that really wound up not being very interesting to me, and I found very little in the videos to motivate me to try again.

On the other hand, some people have noted they had great success with the Pilates tapes and enjoy them, so I think my opinion might actually be the exception than the rule.

Susan G.
I have the 4 set tape for WInsor pilates. I agree that there isn't much in the way of motivation--however if you stick with it you will see results. My problem is I usually sacrifice the tape for something from cathe or firm. But when I did it 3 times per week definite change began to show in the abs. I guess you need to have your own music and motivation to keep coming back to it. GOod luck
I haven't ordered the Winsor tapes, but after trying many different Pilates tapes, I was really happy to discover Hillary Burnett. You can search the forum and hear about others who've tried her tapes. What I like is the pleasant mood, music, and voice that Hillary has. Her tapes have more of a yoga relaxing feel to them, but she really makes you work. She moves quickly from one exercise to another, but still gives good form tips. I found that a lot of Pilates tapes spent so much time setting up each move (which is probably nice at first), but after doing the tape a few times, it just made the workout longer than need be (and a bit boring). There are a lot of women on the VF Forum who love the Winsor tapes, too. So you may want to search that too. -- Renee

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