Wig or GI-Jane Look? What to do?!


Hey, all! A-jock here -

Over the past week or so I've developed a pretty significant scalp-hair-loss condition called "alopecia areata", which can result in short-, mid- or long-term temporary baldness over part of even all of the scalp. (Kinda bummin' about it, but that's another story.) I don't know what stage of it I'm in, but I continue to lose hair by the day, and it could well be that I'll lose it all for an indeterminate length of time.

DH and I went out yesterday and got me a wig that, while not my same hair color, is somewhat the same short style. I gotta tell ya, I hate it, although everyone's been nice about it.

My temptation is, if this is a long-term thing that continues to be noticeable (as it already has begun to be) to just buzz off the whole mop (or whatever remains) and go with a Demi-Moore-GI-Jane look. This is gonna sound arrogant, but I've got the physique for it, and if I got a good tan going and a few nice accessories it might be quite the look.

What would YOU do in my situation? Am interested in your comments and suggestions.


I'll probably be in the minority here, but my honest opinion is buzz cut it girlfriend! I'd say wig if I thought you "needed" the security of it to feel like a woman or feminine, but you being you, I'd go for the buzz cut and enjoy every bit of the freedom it will bring you! No more blow drying, curling, mouse, etc. And truthfully, I think as we age the short cuts like that make us look as young as we feel! Have you noticed how many commercials nowadays show older, more mature women with these really short cuts, and they look great with the salt and pepper short cut! So since you asked for our opinions, mine is BUZZ IT! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I say go for the GI Jane look. I think it's very attractive & sexy on the right person--she definitely had it going on! I have a nice head (so I have been told by hairdressers). You've seen my pictures (I think), I've always worn my hair short, short. I think if you have a nice head, go for it!

My only concern is that people will think you have cancer. If you can deal with the sympathy looks, definitely GI Jane!
I'd say go for it Annette! If you are that confident, (I don't think you sound arrogant AT ALL) do it! I love to see women who can get away with that look and still look darn cute. I would NOT be a candidate! See, there you go again, just impressing the heck out of me with your postive attitude when sooo many would only be concentrating on the negative. Not only that, think of the time it will take you to "clean-up" after one of your swim classes. YOU GO GIRL! Thinking of you anyways, because I know I would be bumming bigtime! Good Luck!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Buzz it, girl! If you can carry it off, why not? Sounds to me like you'll be much more comfortable without the wig and going "natural." It might help your condition not to have your scalp covered by a wig, too. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is just a temporary thing for you. Suzanne
Go for the buzz, absolutely. In fact, I think you should do a whole "cami" look with fatiques and dogtags -- kidding!!

Just invest in some nice warm hats!
I would definitely buzz cut it. Wigs are lame. The only issue is some people will think you're making a political statement. But I'm sure you can deal with that just fine.

I am thinking of doing the same. My hair is getting so gray and dowdy, in contrast to my admirable hard-body and healthy skin, so I say "If thy hair offends thee, chop it off."

My apologies to Christian fundamentalists. }(
I personally would shave it off! I like bald heads and I think some women look very pretty with it. You really have to have an amount of self confidence to pull it off and I think you do!:) Susan
Another vote for the buzz. I used to have my hair buzzed, it was like 1/2 inch all over. I loved it. It's so easy to take care of. Get out of the shower, towel dry and go. I just got my hair chopped off yesterday. I didn't go quite as short this time but it's definitely short, inch and 1/2 maybe. If you have the physique for it, go for it.
Hey A-jock

Going from past posts I have read from you and since you state you are leaning that way anyway... I say go for it! You come across as a very confident and strong woman to begin with and I bet you would feel so much more comfortable in your own skin... as opposed to a wig.

You said yourself you hated the wig so worse case you go for the GI look and if that is worse than the wig... go back to the wig. You have both options! So, to answer your question... guess I would try the GI look.

I will say a little prayer that this is very temporary for you. Good luck.

Go for the Bzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! It's about a tenth as much trouble as a wig, and I'm sure you'll look great! You might even want to keep it after the scalp condition clears up.
Hi A-jock,

Definitely go with the buzz. When I went through chemo I could not wear a wig. They have come such a long way but they still are uncomfortable. When I went out with my kids, I just wore a scarf. If you have not seen a "tlc" catalog, you need to order one. 1-800-850-9445. Tons of really cute scarves, hats, wigs, wig liners, etc. really reasonable. Also, did you know most insurance companies will cover the cost of a wig if your doctor writes you a prescription for it? Would love to see a picture of you with a buzz. My kids (7,9, and 12) did my "buzz" when my hair started falling out. Boy did they have ball!!!!! I believe that was the only fun thing about hair loss. Nothing like my clumsy 7 year old coming at my face with a pair of scissors to trim my bangs . God bless,

Do whatever you are comfortable with. If you are comfortable, then you will have confidence, and your confidence will show through as very positive. Who knows, you may even start a trend in the north country!
Hey Annette,
Isn't this what Princess Caroline of Monaco had a year or two ago? She is absolutely gorgeous, and she looked great. After a while she went out without a scarf or anything. I say go for the buzz,you have the buff look, and the cajones;) .
I echo everyone else.......buzz cut!!! From reading your posts over the last year or so, you sound like you could pull it off without a hitch! And the physique to match??? Whoa.......look out!! Babe-O-licious!!!!!!!! :9 :9 :9

Hi, Annette! I would say go for the buzz cut because like many of the other ladies here have said, it is
clear that you have lots of confidence in yourself. It would suit your personality! I would admire a woman
who had that GI Jane look going--you've got it, so flaunt it!! :) Take care! I hope that medically everything
is okay. Denise
I wholeheartedly agree to go with whatever makes you comfortable & your confidence will shine through. When I see someone with super-short hair, I don't automatically think of cancer or politics. Rather than sympathy, my first reaction is one of curiosity. I think, "That person must have a story to tell!" I find out-of-the-ordinary haircuts interesting. Scars, too. There's a story behind them, and our stories are what make us unique.

Please don't feel you have to have a tan, though! Your scalp will be extra sensitive to ultraviolet rays if you get rid of your hair protection. Besides, pale skin can be striking. Remember that Irish singer who was so popular a few years ago? (Sinnead O'Connor?) I seem to recall she was fair-skinned, and I don't remember any headlines criticizing her for not having a tan.

Just be who you are.
Your spirit runs (swims?) deeper than the roots of your hair.
May you be healthy and at peace with your response to whatever life throws your way.
From your post, I think you already know what you want to do. Go for it! I have a friend whose mother had cancer. She decided not to wear wigs either (or scarf). She was very comfortable with who she is. I really admired her for that. I feel you are the same person... more power to you!

Wishing you for speedy 'recovery'.

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