Who's great? You guys!!!


Hi all:

I always see posts on the ask Cathe site that thank Cathe profusely for making a change in their life and health.

I think that's great. I also think there's another side to all of this. Cathe makes the videos that inspire, but who does all the work?

You guys!!

When it comes to giving praise for making changes in your lives and adopting healthy lifetime habits, don't forget to give credit where credit is due: to yourselves first and foremost. After all, Cathe is a business woman, one we all love and couldn't bear to be without, but a business woman all the same.

But you are the ones that make it happen, in your basements, in your living rooms, in the gym, out there in the streets. You are the ones who set the goals, get up at ungodly hours of the morning or put off eating that tempting pizza in the evening til the job is done! You are the ones conquering eating disorders, smoking and bad drinking habits, turning your lives around for the better and spreading the message to friends, family and co-workers. You are the ones struggling to combine career, family commitments with your fitness goals and your dedication to your own health.

When I feel down or lacking in motivation to work out, it is to the forums, largely run and maintained by you guys with your interest, care for others, great advice and willingness to give of yourselves and your time, that I turn. I never expect Cathe to answer, but I know a cyber buddy will and I trust your experience and judgement. I have to say that I am as "addicted" to "chatting" with you on the forums as I am to Cathe's videos!

You guys are walking the walk and talking the talk and I think you are all, we are all, fabulous.

Cathe is great, and we are all aweome. Let's not forget it!

Well said Clare!!

I grew up being overweight most of my life and it wasn't until the age of 18 that I decided to make some changes. With a strong history of heart disease in my family, I knew that if I didn't want to fall victim to an early death, I need to radically change my lifestyle, my diet, and get off my duff and start exercising. I'm now 26, and I've maintained a 80 lb weight loss for 8 years.

If not for Cathe, Christi, and a handful of other instructors, along with this wonderful and truly amazing cyber family both here an at VF, I'm not sure I could've sweated off that weight and improved my health to the degree that I did. While this has been a mainstay in my motivation, it is I who did the hard work, the sweating, the lifting and executed the discipline to do it all when I just didn't feel like it.

Kudos to every single one of us, who have made so many positive changes in our lives! No one said it's always easy, but the joy of renewed self-esteem, good health and some rather nice biceps make it worth every second! :)

Happy Workouts!!
~ Nicole
That's just what I needed. I'm having a bad-eating day (1088 calories so far, eek I guess dinner will be kinda small). I've been feeling like a total failure today and I really need to get back on track. :-( Thanks for pepping me up some.
Are you the Clare...

...that I met on the VF Cathe Trip in October 2000? I was the one you kept closing the door on in the car. If so, howdy. If not...awesome post. I got goosebumps reading it. Yes, we do rock don't we!!!!
What a nice post Clare - thank you. :)

I really love having this forum to come to for ideas, inspiration and the stone cold facts about fitness. I don't ask many questions because often what I'm looking for is right there. It's been a great source of motivation to be able to "chat" with people who have the same passion Cathe's videos and exercise in general. It's really a constant evolution for me. What I mean is, I've become more advance in exercise than ever before in my life and still the more I learn (thanks in large part to this forum and all of you), the more I can hone my fitness routine to get the most I possibly can from it. So, in short, thanks for helping me continuously strive to improve myself and my health. Cheers to us!

We rule!
RE: Are you the Clare...

no, I'm sorry that's another Clare. Glad I didn't keep closing the door on you!


don't sweat it too much, remember, tomorrow is another day, another chance to be healthy "maybe not today, but tomorrow and for the rest of your life..." just like Woody Allen, I have always wanted to say those lines!

What a lovely sentiment!

As an instructor, I know I would be only half of what I am without my participants. They manage to dig the mojo out of somewhere after a busy exhausting day, schlep over to the club and do my class - which I try to equal in intensity to Cathe's - and they keep coming back. Where they find the motivation is beyond me, especially as we move into the dark days of winter.

And it's never nearly as much fun to do an aqua workout without my people - my people make the class! (I'll be practicing a bit of auto-aquaticism tonight, "soleau", and I wish I had just one participant to work with!)

Annette Q. Aquajock
What sweet and kind words. I completely agree with you. The internet is still such an amazing thing. Without it we wouldn't even be chatting:) I love the fact that I can log in my own office, on my own time, with no screaming kids, hubbies or job duties and just chat with other women who I have so much in common with.

My hubby gets tired of listening to me chat with him in trying to figure out how to best structure my fitness program. I come here and I learn so much and can share with others so much like me. It is wonderful!!!

Particularly in times like we all are facing now it is moments even like these that I am thankful for:) Great post! You touched a sweet spot in my heart on this late Thursday evening! Happy friday to you:-jumpy

p.s. I just learned how to do the froggy so ya' all will be seeing it for awhile.... (he's just so cute!!!!!!!!!!)

God Bless!

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