Which new Cathe will you do first?


Decisions, decisions!!

I think I will go for it and do IMAX2 first - the day it gets here! Then I think I'll fold the pyramids into a rotation.

Oh boy, I won't be able to decide which one to do until I view them all! I just can't wait!
My first thought is Imax 2, unless upon previewing them Boot Camp peeks my interest first? But more than likely, Imax 2 gets the first go! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
I'll probably pop in IMAX 2 first however if I'm in the mood for something completely new I'd go with Bootcamp. Guess it'll be a matter of "wait and see! " ;-) Susan
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have the DVD's by or before New Year's Day; I do want to inaugurate the New Year with I-Max 2!

Then CardioWeights, then Bootcamp; THEN The Terminator; THEN the CardioWeights and Bootcamp Bonus Features; THEN a nice Muscle Endurance-I-Max-2 fusion . . .

There are too darn many choices here, folks!

My first order of business will be to preview all the workouts. Then I'm thinking about doing a cardio/weights rotation, using all the combo tapes (bootcamp, cardo/weight, muscle endurance) each once a week. Maybe I'll change my mind by the time the DVDs arrive (in fact, I probably will) and start with the pyramid tapes.
I doubt it. I STILL have not worn the fatigue pants I bought 2 years ago. I should drag them out to wear in this cold weather.

Just Do It! :)
It is a toss up between Boot Camp and IMAX2. I think it will probably be IMAX2. It is so exciting!!!!

I can't wait to do all of them - It's too bad that we can't do more than one at the same time. But if I have to choose which obviously I will have to do - it wil probably be boot camp or IMax2 well, Cardio & Weights looks really good too.

Oh WOW, how about the terminator or the Viper? Do you think its best to do the main 6 first so I know them well enough before I jump into the Mix? WOWEEEEEE I feel like a little kid waiting to open my presents on Christmas morning - which to open first?

Someone said something about wearing camo gear while doing Boot Camp. It occurred to me that if the camo gear was really effective, I could just camo all my ugly bits and not have to work out at all!!!

Anyone want to go in with me on this brilliant business idea?
my intentions of the intensity series

I have my rotation all planned out!(if I don't die first of anticipation of these videos!) I'm currently doing CTX as is with no add ons(preventing overtraining) to prepare myself physically for upcoming tortue! I'm also gonna be incorporating 2 strategic rest days in between the first 3 videos that I do too! My plan A is as follows: Cardio weights,Imax2, Muscle Endurance,rest day,Upperbody,Lowerbody,Bootcamp,rest day! I will repeat this cycle for 2 weeks to get my beating in and figure out if I should mesh them together(starting w/upperbody sequence)(plan B) or keep as is! I'll also have to take into consideration of maybe combining with other videos(plan C)! The fine tuning process will go into effect after the initial shock wears off(hehe) Anyone else have it scoped out? Love to hear what your "intentions' are for the upcoming series! Notice how I said intentions--some things are easily said then done--"Cathe have mercy on us all" (J/K) Looking forward to the ***kicking!Take care!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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