Which Meso to start with??


New Member
My sister and I have been working out with weights regularly mostly doing Les Mills' Body Pump and a ton of Cathe's exercises with weights and we recently decided we might like STS. We consider ourselves pretty strong and can lift pretty heavy but it seems like a waste to start with Meso 1. Should we start with Meso 1 or can we skip straight to Meso 3? Any input for the more intermediate level? Thank you!!!
Meso 1 is pretty challenging provided you select the correct weight (plus those push ups, chin ups, and pull ups are super tough). I don't think you'd be wasting your time.

I also read somewhere ~ perhaps it was one of Cathe's posts ~ that muscle endurance workouts not only prepare your muscles for heavier lifting in Mesos 2 and 3, but they also provide a change in routine, which has been shown to be beneficial.
I don't believe the STS strength program was designed with Meso 1 being "beginner," 2 being "intermediate" and 3 being "advanced" so whether you have been doing prior weight training makes no difference. Many if not most if not all of us here are not newbies to weight training. Each meso has a different purpose and emphasis, at least that is my understanding, so "skipping" meso 1 or 2 because you've weight trained before will not give you the full benefit of the program as intended.
I'm an old-school lifter (read guy) and that means lift as heavy as I could right from the start. Then my wife clobbered me to do this STS with her. I'm now on Meso 3 and I agree there is this rhythm thing going on. I am impressed with this journey. Do it the way it was intended, at least once, you will be surprised.
Thank you everyone! I went ahead and ordered the whole set. We were going to try P90x or Turbofire but Cathe is a much better instructor! I can't wait until it gets here!!

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