
Hi UK Posters,

For any Billy Blanks fans out there, there is a Billy Blanks TSV on QVC UK tonight at midnight. Have no idea what it is though.

Will check it out.

Anna has the mag turned up yet working for the post regulator makes me interested in the postal service I guess.

Hi Babs,

No, the magazine hasn't turned up yet, but I am not sure if the Postman tried to deliver it yesterday. We went up to Liverpool yesterday, and missed the post, but a card had been put through the door letting me know they couldn't post it, so i am having it re-delivered tomorrow. I will keep you posted (LOL).

By the way, CIRCUIT MAX looks WICKED !!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to try it out tonight !

Yea you will love it go light tonight to get the feel by the end of the second cardio section my arms really feel like they can't lift a feather.

Hi Babs,

The magazine has arrived !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest assured !!!! Many thanks ! :)
Just had a quick flick through, loads of adverts but looking forward to reading it :D

Did you get to see what the TSV was ? I didn't, Circuit Max wore me out so much I was in bed by 11pm ! Ooo, just had a look at QVC UK's website - it is a 6 Get Ripped video pack for £29.99 - not bad !

Thanks again, Babs, I will let you know what I think of it !

Anna :)

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