TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have a ?...


...does it get any worse with age?

I'm going to be 28 in about 2 months (Oct 10). I have a question for all of those ladies that are older. I feel that every time that time of the month comes my symptoms get worse. I know I have PMDD (pre-menstrual depression disorder), but this is not about that specifically. I'm talking about the cramps mostly, and also the menstrual related migraines. I feel that when it comes to all the symptoms that involve pain mine are getting out of control as I'm getting older. Is it normal for the symptoms to get worse as we age?

Thank you in advance ladies for any replies.
Rose, I am so sorry you are having so much trouble. You really should get checked out by a gyn. There are lots of reasons this could be happening. One of which I am very familar with- endometriosis. It doesn't necessarily relate to the migranes, but can with the cramps. Do you ever have pain in between your cycles or is it just during. Other sx include painful intercourse (deep pain, not on penetration, painful defecation (bowel movements) I am not saying that is what you have. If you have progressively worsening cycles you should get it checked out. They may be able to help you feel better.

RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

I agree - you should talk to your doctor just to make sure. I used to suffer from menstrual migraines, before my TAH. Do you take any supplements, OTC or RX medicines to help with that? Also, stress can increase your monthly symptoms. Or it may be a sign of an underlying problem. (In my case, it was fibroids). Sorry, hope I haven't scared you - it may be nothing at all, just yucky periods.
RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

I recently had a check-up and everything was normal. The doctor had a list of symptoms and I was asked if I was going through them and I wasn't so that was that. I was reading on webmd about endometriosis symptoms and those were the exact ones I was asked the other day. I don't have them except for the awful, paralizing cramps that are getting worse every month (oh yeah and I also get migraines). If I get my period on a day that I have to work, forget it, I call in sick. Fortunately, I'm lucky and that rarely happens (for some reason I get them on weekends). I remember that when I was a teenager I was never paralized by cramps. I had them of course, but I never got them like this and I've always suffered from migraines (especially before my period), but nothing like the ones I'm getting now. My doctor prescribed medication for pain, but they only make me sleepy and they don't do anything significant for the pain so I was told to stop taking them and take 2 tylenol and 1 aleve once a day, which works for a couple of hours, but when the pain comes back I can't take anything. I just wanted to know if it's normal that the symptoms get worse with age because I'm approaching 30 and I can't imagine my symptoms getting any worse. I don't know what I would do if they did. Thank you for all the replies.
RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

Do you think birth control pills might help? I know that when I was on the pill, I hardly ever had cramps. Hope this helps--good luck
to you.

RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

I think you are too young for things to be changing already. Can you get a second opinion, because this just does not sound right. I did start getting migraines at age 26, but my periods did not change like this. I think you should seek another doctor out.
RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

I ditto on the doctor part.

I have noticed that with age (I am a rip ole 35 now :) ), my PMS has become more irritating. I am sure that it is all hormonal and my cycles have remained predictable and similar without any horrendous earth shattering pain.

I think in the age of information, we women are blasted by every potential symptom and its potential meaning. I think our mothers and grandmothers went through similar things and guess what there were not a magic pills and it could be traced back to PMS! :)

A trip to the OBGYN is not a bad idea and I hope that there is not anything serious going on. If it turns out to be PMS, take an advil, workout and wait it out.

Hope this helps!
Paragonah, UT
RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

Actually I have noticed that mine have actually gotten better with age. I will be 45 on Sunday. Since I have been working out and eating better I have no cramps or headaches. It was much worse when I was younger.
I'm sorry to hear that you're in such pain. I personally don't have this issue but I read a lot and came across these thorough well-documented articles which explain these issues and describe potential treatments (conventional medicine, lifestyle and nutritional):

About PMS:

About migraines, scroll down for the hormone connection:

I hope you find relief soon.

RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

Hi Rose, sorry to hear that you are in a lot of pain. I am 36 and started getting really bad pms (cramps, moodiness and migraines) after my second child was born. My pms started going away when I started to eat cleaner and started taking vitamin B complex and multiple minerals.

But along with the other ladies, I suggest that you do go to the doctor and make sure that nothing is wrong.

Good luck and I hope you feel better.

RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

Thank you again for all the replies. Thanks Randi (vidfan) for the links also. I'm going to make an appointment with a new doctor to get another opinion. I think there might be other options to deal with my "monthly issues". Take care everybody.
'fraid can't answer that? i take the shot which means no cramps,pms,headaches and can jump in the pool whenever i want!

RE: TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have...

This happened to me, especially when I hit my mid-30s. No headaches, but cramps so bad that I had to take Nurofen Plus (ibuprofen + codeine - available over the counter here in the UK!) I started taking Evening Primrose Oil and B-complex supplements (1 tablet of each, daily) because I read that they help w/ the symptoms. I also started exercising regularly (5-6 days a week) - both cardio and weights. Over the last year my PMS and cramps have gotten so much better! So that's what has helped me - good luck, and I hope you find some relief soon.:)

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