Toe Nail Fungus? - Sorry...


Has anybody ever battled with toe nail fungus? Sorry to ask this question, it can be a little weird. I've read that the prescription drugs to get rid of toe nail fungus can be dangerous and cause liver disease, so I really want to stay away from that. Also, removing your toe nail/laser surgery is another option but again, I've read that can be very painful and most insurance does not cover the procedure. Unfortunately, I've let this go to far because I feared the drugs ruining my health (liver) and can't afford the procedure so now I'm just looking for something to get rid of toe nail fungus. Has anybody used a natural treatment to get rid of toe nail fungus? I know that it can take a very long time to eradicate, sometimes up to 1 year but I'm willing to try anything except surgery or prescription drugs that can hurt your health.

Thank you so much for your suggestions.
I have not had it too seriously myself, although at the spa I was working at, we usually did a foot soak with salts and rosemary & tea tree essential oils and then a collodial silver treatment.
Directions for home was the usual of washing bed sheets in hot'ish' water if you are prone to it and taking garlic supplements if it's a ongoing thing, not just on the feet but through the body. It's also a good idea to use a clinical danduff shampoo in between the toes once a week I think.
I had it about 30 years ago - actually it started when I was in my late teens and when I was in my early twenties I decided I needed to do something about it. I took Griseofulvin, and later Lamisil, which completely got rid of it. When you take those drugs, you do need to have frequent blood tests to check your liver function. (At the first sign of any issue, they would have taken me off the drugs.) I think my blood tests were every 3 weeks. I never had any issues with my liver and I haven't had any fungus problems since.

Lately I've heard there are laser treatments for fungal nails. I don't think they actually remove the toenail with the laser - it's used to disinfect the nail. If I were ever to have this problem again, I would probably look into that.

It does take a long time - actually, the length of time that it takes to grow your entire toenail from the nail bed to the end of your toe - 9 months to a year.

I have battled this with one big toe for a while (darned cheap nail salon!). My podiatrist warned me against the drugs bcs of the liver issues. He also gave me some samples of a cream (orlistat maybe?) My nail gradually lifted from the nail bed so any time I saw it was loose I would clip it off. Didn't hurt at all bcs it wasn't attached to the nailbed. Eventually I had it clipped all the way to bottom (it was pretty much just on one side) and the nail bed was able air out and the nail regrew. I have had a few battles off and on but as soon as I see it yellowing, I cut that part off. (also note that you would want to use a separate clipper for that nail so you dont spread it to any others).

Good luck!
About 12 years ago, I had the same...the dr. I saw WANTED to give the the oral despite the liver side effects. What?! I had heard about Penlac and asked for a script for that. It's a toenail fungus clear, nail polish. I forget the exact protocol, but I recall painting the affected nail each day, then I think, removing the build-up of nail polish layers after a certain amt. of applications. I think i repeated this process for nearly a year. I haven't had a problem since then. I got the fungus from a pedicure (first and only due to that fungus!) I got for my wedding day. Google Penlac and a few things will pop up. I hope that helps and you can avoid the oral med.
(darned cheap nail salon!)
I got the fungus from a pedicure

Geez, how terrible that you picked up fungus from these salons! Grrr. There needs to be tighter regulations in their disinfection and sterilization processes and training. Fungus that lasts this long, yeah, is awful and costs way more than the service at these places, but can you imagine if you got Hep A or something like that? This makes me so angry.
What about painting with turmeric? Its great for lots of infections of the skin. Don't get it on your sheets, it stains badly.

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