thong underwear????


I sometimes exercise in jogging pants with thong underwear. The rest of my body is in good shape, but my behind never seems to firm up the way I would like. Can wearing thong underwear after a period of time make the buns sag like not wearing a sports bra does? I know this is not the typical question, but I just have to know. Thanks, Tracee4
Hi Tracee,
Hope you don't mind a male taking a stab at this question. I saw the word "thong" and, of course, you had my immediate attention! :)
Seriously, I would never have thought of something like that. I really doubt you'd get sag in the buns. First of all, normal underwear is not made to support the buns. Unless I am wrong on that. Not like a bra is made to support the breasts anyway. So if sag would occur in the buns then I suppose everyone would have it. Also, you don't get the "bounce" in the buns that you get with breasts during any particular activity. I would think that would make it less likely as well. So I don't think there's really anything for you to worry about. If you are comfortable wearing thong undies then I say go for it.
T. :)
I wouldn't think your regular panties would have that much support that they would "support" your glutes. I know my Victoria's Secret panties certainly don't.
I sure hope not - I HAVE to wear thongs - my rear end is so flat that regular underwear creeps up there anyway;-)x( However, thanks to Cathe it is developing some shape - Leg Presses, Leg Presses and more Leg Presses (like in HSTA) have done a lot for me and the Legs and Glutes DVD. Make sure when you are doing any glute exercise to concentrate on squeezing the insertion where the legs and buns meet.

Good luck:)
GOD do I hate those things! LOL! They're so uncomfortable. x(

Anyway, my ex husband once told me that he'd read an article about spandex, & how wearing it regularly somehow affects your skin by conditioning the cells to stay compressed or some such nonsense. I'm skeptical but who knows, our bodies are strange machines.
Nah, I bet you are fine to wear them. I wear them every day and during about half of my workouts (they just don't "work" for kickboxing!) and my rear has improved shape in the past few years. :7
Thanks ActiveGirl that was an interesting article, it left me with a strange visual as "the thong is like a little subway car. The bacteria goes from the rectum to the vagina and to the bladder." I personally don't mind thongs but that's a big ewwwwwww.... I think if they fit properly the subway car should not be jammed quite so far up the track (or something that rhymes with track}( ;-) )
If briefs gave enough support to keep the booty lifted longer then granny pants would be all the rage, not thongs. (JMHO)

Take Care

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