The S+H Blues...


I tried to do all of S+H within my week last week (I do a monday through sunday week) and I decided to do all of S+H this week on Thursday (bad move). I had done PH on Tuesday. Welll... I missed three body parts and it's Monday (I fit in chest, back and biceps, didn't get to triceps, shoulders and legs). This is a bummer, obviously, and is leaving me confused and bewildered LOL. I had an incredibly busy and stressful weekend (blur of busyness, sleep deprivation and holiday-readying), and was only able to squish in Powermax on Sat. morning. Was too zombified to get up this a.m. (slept about 12 hrs as I was so exhauseted from weekend I went to sleep at 8 pm last night and woke up at 7:50 this a.m.) and finish out some of the balance on my S+H debt! What to do, what to do?!?!?
How do I balance this out without putting undue pressure on myself, as this week is going to be time-crunched for sure, with thanksgiving, and everything else? Should I plan to get done S+H tri, should, and legs *sometime* this week, as well as PH?
That way, yeah, a 'weaker' 2 weeks, but at least I'd be well-balanced?
Anybody have ideas for me? Desperate!
Help, please.
Thank you,
Hi Kathy! I wouldn't try to stress yourself out even further by trying to get in all of your workouts at this time of the year. So what if you happen to miss 2 wks. of working out. Its a lifetime journey for all of us in our quest for good health. If you do manage to get in 1 workout a week just try to decide how much energy you have and either do a full body or cardio but I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Best, Kathy
RE: The S H Blues...

Hi Kathy,

I'm having the same problem, I was starting to freak out but then I just told myself my weeks didn't have to be monday - sunday weeks, I'd just count out doing each workout 3-4 times and when I'm done, my rotation is done. I just finished my 3rd cycle and am definitely stronger , so I'm guessing no harm done!

RE: The S H Blues...

Thanks, Jill. That is a great idea. I don't usually last that long on a S+H rotation (ha ha) my top time is 2 weeks. I do love it but it does take it outta me.
KathyH, thank you for your support, too. I really don't need to freak out about this. Gotta look at the 'big picture'... :)
RE: The S H Blues...

Good, you guys, I thought I was the only one whose S&H "week" took up to ten days (that is without Thanksgiving in there)!
An easy solution would be to do S&H only and don't try to do PH also. The S/H tapes are so long, it's no wonder you ran out of time and steam.

Here I go again - More is not necessarily better.

Just Do It! :)
I agree....some weeks it's just way too tough to try and incorporate both PH *and* the S&H series. When I do the S&H series (which I love!), I will do one week with the PH and then two weeks without it.

Sometimes life just gets in the way of our workout routine!

Hey you guys,
Thanks so much for the support on this! some people would find it so trivial...anyone who's not a Cathe freak, like us, that is! :)

actually, I figured it out...I began S+H last Thursday, and finished 1 rotation of each body part this morning (Tuesday) I actually did just fine. I was cryin' over nothin'. It's just that my exercise journal week begins on a Mon and ends on a Sun. That's what had me all bent out of shape. I'm cool now. And gosh, it is such a fun shake-up series. I want to get to know it better so I can play with mixing it around into other strength workouts. But I think I should wait to do rotations of it when I have a whole lot of extra time on my hands (translation: not around the holidays).
Thanks all,
you're right!!! must wait for a lull in life when I have PaLENTY of time to spend on working out. Things are crazy right now, and i need time crunch workouts...Thank God for Circuit Max and Power Hour!!!

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