Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 24-30


Good Morning Ladies,
Anything new? Just a whole lot of snow in my neck of the woods but it seems as if everyone is getting some.We had snow all day Sat and again today.I am not a lover of winter.We get to much.
So I couldn't get out to get my usual coffee today.I had to make it myself and I think my coffee maker as seem its day.The coffee isn't that great but it is better then none at all.
I am just doing cardio today.I did o.k with my run yesterday and I think I will run again.I am just not in the mood to do videos although I know I should mix it up .When the new workouts get here, I won't use my treadmill at all.I haven't thought about the workouts much.So I am not as impatient as others.I can wait.But when they do get to my door step, or I know they are being shipped, i will be excited.
FFD- I am going to keep my cals around the 1500 mark.If I eat the right foods, even that can seem like alot.I am writing EVERYTHING down, its the only way to be honest.And if I am hungry for an hour,then so what, its not the end of the world.Im one of those people who as to stuff something in their mouthes as soon as a hunger pain comes on.
I did a fair amount of whining before.But I realized that I am the only in control of me.Obviously I am not getting the results I want b/c I eat to many sweets and that really needs to be cut back.
My last week at my job! I start my new job on Sat. Sometimes I get nervous but for the most part, I am o.k. I just can not beleive that after Fri, my old boss as no control over me anymore.I don't have to listen to her complaining, I don't have to look at her face and I don't have to listen to her sighing.Just being around this person can bring you down b/c she is pathetic.Shes one of those people who doesn't like to see anyone get ahead, besides for herself and her own family.Anyway,I hope I like my new job.I am also hoping that I will be so busy at work, that by the time I get home I won't be able to eat any sweets.Also whatever I take to work with me ,is what I will have to eat.Once I am there,I can't leave.No quick fixes only the apple I bring:)
Hope everyone as a good day!
Lori :)

That's what I was thinking, b/w 1300 and 1500 calories (which I guess is about what I'd be getting if I consumed my activity points). Seems about right. And I'm where you are, coming more and more to grips with the fact that if I want to see results, I have to do something about all the refined carbs I eat. And drinking more real water.

There's a magazine out right now, either by Oxygen or M&F women about abs, and I've never seen so much advice about clean eating in one magazine. It looks pretty good...

No workout for me today - still tired from Bodymax yesterday!
FFD- You probably need more cals b/c you are taller then me.I am trying to eat between 1200-1500 but if I get to hungry I will have to up it a bit.One time, I bought into a mag saying that a calorie is a calorie,it doesn't matter if you eat clean or not! What a horrible thing to print!Thats when I started wheening things back in to my diet that I never use to eat.
Your talking about the Oxygen mag.There seems to be alot of great moves in there for abs.I think I am going to get DH to set the Bowflex back up,that way,I can do some different moves.Maybe try shaking it up a bit.
FFD- I definitely think you need to up your calories. I think 1100 is way too low, and if you up it, you will start seeing the results you want.

I, went off the wagon BAD for 2 1/2 days. I get PMS, I get so hungry, I could eat a horse. Oh well, I am back on today, and I am ready to continue to be good. Next Monday is my weigh day, so that really encourages me.

Today I am going to do L&G's, and some cardio.

Lori, I am more impatient for these workouts than I have been for any other set Cathe put out. I do not normally complain, I just think it is taking way longer than I anticipated, and so long w/o updates. I keep looking for "The Annoucement."

Ok, switching topics cause I didn't exercise today...

Is anyone else worried about Cathe? The reason I ask, and I only joined this forum in May or so last year, is that we haven't heard a peep from her on the ask Cathe forum in awhile (don't know if this is typical during post-production). And according to SNM, they're waiting just like the rest of us. I hope nothing is wrong. Sometimes I wonder if she ever gets tired of the forums, especially with the (understandable) onslaught of emails about Hardcore. I sure do miss her! I bet when she comes back, this forum (not our thread!) will get a lot less active!
To tell you the truth,I didn't really notice! How sad is that?
I thik this is pretty normal.She is not around a whole lot but then again how can she be? She as kids and runs a business.If something had happened to her I am sure SNM would have posted something.She is always going to shows as well.That takes up alot of her time and when she gets back I am sure she wants to spend quality time with her kids.It is also likely that now it is settling down somewhat,they may have taken a little vacation.My thoughts, I think she is just way to busy.We may think her busy time is over b/c the workouts are filmed but thats all we know that happens her life.She'll pop up sooner or later:)
I worked out twice yesterday.Once for me and once for FFD!:) I did HST in the morning and abs.Then I copied down a run that run4fun had posted and it was a tough one! I was red in the face when that one was over and I never get red like that anymore.I did the run last night.I thought about doing it again tonight but I am going to go for distance tonight, I think.
I am heading to work now.I have my uniform on and my shirt tucked in.I HATE wearing shirts in.Anyway, it feels so tight around my middle(pants were just washed,so nicely shrunk!)but I am going to suffer through it b/c it will remind me of the reason why I am counting cals, just in case I get a craving!
I will check back later today.Its usually not that busy at work.
Awesome job, Lori! Glad I could inspire! And you're funny, I do the same thing with tight clothes (and I never wear shirts tucked!).

You're right about Cathe, she has a lot to do. And my guess is, this project was a big, exhausting one, so she may be needing a business break!

Did Step & Intervals this morning and 10 minute abs a la January rotation. I never do my CTX tapes because they are too short, but I have to say I'm glad there are 2 of them on schedule this week. Makes getting up in the morning a little less painful. I've decide to redo the January rotation, switching a couple of the vids for similar ones (e.g. HSTA for Circuit Max). This rotation has rocked! Hopefully I won't make it all the way through though because I'll have Hardcore videos to incorporate!

Talk to you later...
Its me again. I am getting pretty bored at work right now.I may have to bring a movie back with me after lunch.I have my oxygen mag here but I get even sleeper when I read!
I am not in my normal happy mood today.Its that TOM and my belly is cramping and I am hungrier then normal.There is a box of truffles here at work of course.I just had a coffee and a piece of my protein bar so that should save me for another hour.
I hope my new job is not as boring as this.I will lose my mind.
I here ya FFD on the CTX workouts.I never use mine either b/c they are to short.I think they were made for people who have less time and thats the only time I do them.When I am time restricted.
Anyway, I am sure i will check back later.I hope I get busy!
This past week (from the 17th to the 23rd) was terrible for me. I couldn't workout at all, except for a pilates session with a DVD for beginners that I recently bought. I had the flu, so I decided to rest and anyway I didn't feel up to working out.
My water intake was poor. (I know, when I most need it!) Didn't take my vitamins either:-( . Diet....also food, Sneakers, sodas...

On the bright side, I think I am on right attitude because instead of giving up because I failed for a few days, I'm going to keep trying.

Have a great week you all!
Mariela- I screwed up bad on the weekend, and I picked myself up and was back on track yesterday and today. You do have a good attitude. Normally, after I screw up, it takes me awhile to get back into it. But, I also, was right back at it. I just figured I had been perfect with my points for 21 days, 3 bad days coulod not delete all the good I have done in the 21, plus I have about 10 lbs. to lose, so I better get back at it. Maybe we will both succeed this time???

I did PUB and C&W's cardio today, plus abs. I am still doing Cathe's August rotation, but I will switch a couple of workouts around this week. She has 2 days of CTX cardio's, and I do not have those anymore, and today was the only UB work day, and I want to work my UB twice a week.

Bye everyone.
Good Morning Ladies,

I haven't posted since Friday- I think. I went for 6 mile run on Friday, it was great. Saturday was ME and my company party. Sunday was a rest day. Monday, was planning on running but TOM took away my energy-so I walked for about 5 miles. This morning should have been Imax2, but again- no energy this morning so I did MIS instead, and will try for Imax2 on Thursday. I weighed in last night and was down 1.4lbs over 2 weeks.

Have a great day,

HI Gals,
My day went a little better.Once my lunch made it to the bottom of my belly ,I wasn't as hungry.I thought it was going to be a day of poking things in my mouth.
I think I made up for what bad I did b/c I went for a 7 mile run.It was a mix of things.
I will check back tomorrow,
Hi ladies!

No, I didn't see the thread about Cathe - which is it?

Mariela, definitely the right attitude! The more you so that, the shorter those "lapses" will last and the longer the time between them. Believe me, I know!

Eating ok. I don't know what it is about cake with icing, but if its there, I'm eating it and not even trying to fight! No stress about it though. Tomorrow is some workout, I don't know what. Leaner Legs or Cardio & Weights. We'll see how alive I am tomorrow at 6:00 am!!!
Hi everybody,
I haven't posted in a while, but I am still in the challenge mindset. I haven't been on the forum lately because I have been incredibly busy. Things are back to normal again, and I am ready to get back in the swing of things.

I haven't been working out consistently. I have been in a little slump. I have maintained my weight, which is good for me. I am in a sepearate challenge with my sister, her husband, my husband, and my myself. We have 100 days to lose 15 percent of our body weight. So beteween this thread, my challenge I am doing with my family, and working out with Cathe, it should keep me motivated to reach some goals.

Have a great night,
Nice to have you back Lori!! I'd recommend the January rotation (which others on this thread are TIRED of hearing me talk about!). But I can really tell a difference in my body, and my eating hasn't even been great.

But, I FORGOT TO WEIGH AGAIN!!! I just realized it as I was typing. This is what happens when you're out of practice! I WILL do it tomorrow...

Who ordered Hardcore? DId you notice the big accouncement? YIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Hi Everyone,
Lori-It is nice to see you back! I knew we were missing someone.And I thought it was a Lori:) Its mice to be in a challenge with people you see everyday.I think it is easier to stay motivavted that way.
FFD-The thread was "cathe going through tough times" apparently she posted a little while ago that a dear friend of her's passed away.I would imagine she took some time to greive before she got back into the swing of things.I didn't check the date on when it was posted but I am thinking it happened a couple of weeks ago.I think she is back now.She posted something yesterday.
I am getting excited about the series being shipped to.I pre-ordered it and I wanted to have the money to pay on my credit card right away.Not sure if I will be able to do that in the next couple of weeks.OH WELL!
The scale is going back down for me.I guess counting cals really does work, even though I went way over yesterday.I keep thinking about the wedding I am standing for in Aug.I just keep looking back at some pitcures of a wedding I stood for a couple of years ago and I was so not happy with myself at this time.I had put a few lbs on and you could see it in my arms.And I refuse to look like that again!
I am not sure what the workout will be today.I want to run,but i also want to do some weights.Last week I did alot of weights.Maybe I will do my own circuit workout with running and UB.
We will see!!!
Have a good day....I only have 2 1/2 more days to look at my boss!
Good Morning, congrats Lori on your new job.

It's 8:30 here in Florida and my husband wants to sleep in. As soon as he wakes up he can watch our rugrats so I can do Cathe. :) I couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning early before the kids. My 4 year old has been waking up at 6 am for the last few months and coming in our bed and saying "Wake up mommy, the sun is shining, wake up mommy", over and over again. It's brutal. :)

Have a great day, I will check in later.

Good Morning Ladies.....Too bad I am doing the Aug. 2004 rotation FFD, I should have done the Jan. rotation w/ you. I am really enjoying the Aug. rotation, it focuses on the LB, and mine needs it. I am going to weigh and measure on Monday morning, see if it helped me at all!!

Today is PLB, and some cardio. My Ub is fried from PUB yesterday. No UB workout Cathe has gets me like that one. I LOVE that workout.

Eating has been good, staying on my points. I am not going to use hardly any Flex Points this week after the disasterous weekend I had, but I will use my activity points every day.

Take Care....Lori
Just wanted to report my workout.
I did my own circuit.Sometimes I could go on and on.But time is a factor today!
I did a 2 mile run, then legs in PP,then 2 mile run,UB PP, and another 1 mile run and the rest of PP.
This kind of running really lets you work hard on the running part b/c you know it is short lived.
Must get ready for work,.

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