stretched skin from pregnancy


Hello. I have been exercising for seven yrs. religiously, and have maintained a healthy weight, but after having two children the skin on my lower abdominal region was stretched. (I had a 9 pound 6 ounce baby) Does anyone have any advice on firming up? Thanks, Tracee L.C.
I don't know the answer but you may get some good answers if you post this question on the pregnancy/postpartum forum.
I know how you feel.I have decided that it is never going to be tight againx( I have had my belly fairly flat since having my child 7 yrs ago but it will never be like it was.
I actually have stretch marks that helped me realize that this is extra SKIN (not fat:) )I think the only way you can get rid if it is to cut it off, and I am not into that.
But if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!
I have seen this question asked a lot in a lot of places, and there seems to be no solution but surgery. Stretch marks and extra belly skin seem to be with you forever if you get them, unless you want to pay to have it removed. Sad.
I've had three children, am quite thin, but my abs have always been where I carry extra fat. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I had diahrrea real bad for 24 hrs. I not only lost a lot of water, but seemed to have lost a bunch of fat in my abs. The skin there was wrinkly and hanging down and I concluded that I look better with the extra fat there to fill things out! I guess surgery is the only way -- something I'm not willing to do.
:( Ever since the birth of my first child (19 years ago) my abdominals have never been the same. He was 9 9 1/2 lbs and then my second son was 10 lb. 3 oz. If I were in a pushup position the skin just hangs down and I am a FIT person. The only way to tighten the loose skin is via a tummy tuck which I considered, but then I think to myself that I have had this for almost 20 years so why bother. I suppose if we ever came into a large amount of money I might consider it again. I really would love to be able to wear sports bras and that sort of thing in public. As it is now if I want to expose my midsection I have to pull my pants up over my belly button and then they go up the crotch. ARGHH!! I look at it this way, all my children were worth my ugly midsection!!!!

I can relate with the skin hanging down when you are in push up position! It looked awful. Only a few weeks ago did I noticed it. I am actually fit, and with clothes on, my stomach is VERY flat. Boy, oh boy, when I am in the push up positon, and looked inside my pants -- watch out! FYI, I have twins with the combined birth weight of 12 lbs (and I am very small/petite)! I think tummy tuck is the only way for me, but I am not considering it since I don't want to risk my life for a elective/vanity surgery. I guess I have to learn to live with it.
Steppingfool, my abdominals actually are in pretty good shape when I am standing up (except for a little pouch in the lower area). I know my muscles are strong (how can they not be with doing all of Cathe's abdominal routines?) Twins, how sweet! Are they identical or fraternal? Boys or girls or one of each? How old? My mother tries to blame my hanging abdominal skin on having 3 c-sections. I don't think this is the case. I would think the c-sections would have more of an effect on the muscle and not the sagging skin.
I know exactly what you mean! I have had two children, and have worked out religiously for 11 years. I am considered thin by everyone, but my abs are a mess if I bend over. I hate to even look in the mirror to check my plank position, because the skin will NOT be sucked in no matter how hard I hold it!

Hi again. I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my question. It is good to know that I am not the only one with this problem. I can't imagine having surgery to fix it, so instead I will focus on my good features. Everyone has a flaw or two, it is only destructive if I let it influence my life. I have enjoyed reading responses of people who like Cathe's videos as much as I do. My favorite one is Interval Max. It was the most challenging for me. Thank you again. Tracee L.C.
Stepping Fool,

I couldn't help but laugh at your post, not that it is funny in the least - but I could totally relate to you!

I have had 10 children - four of which were between 9 1/2# and 10#'s - all the rest were between 8 and 9 pounds - but I really do have a flat stomach - it looks great in a two piece bathing suit - even when I sit down. I am not saying I don't have any loose skin - but not bad enough that I feel self conscious about it - plus I am 48 years old and I had my last 3 babies over the age of 40 when my skin didn't have as good of the elasticity as it does in the 20's and 30's.

But like you said in the push up position, the skin just kind of hangs there like I could pull it together and just cut it off or something - now it seems like they could do something to remove just the excess skin.

Isn't a tummy tuck when they remove fat, too? I do not need any fat removed just a little skin - as long as no one lese sees my skin in a push up position or the plank osition I should be fine.

I remember when I first saw that on me a few months back I about puked and you are right it is disgusting - but like Lisa said the children I have are really worth it. I guess it could be worse.

Lisa, I have twin boys.

Cheryl, I have always been fascinated by you (I have read your posts here MANY times). For somebody with 10 children, I am amazed how fit you look (not that having children should EVER be an excuse not to be fit...). My twins were born when I was in my 30s... so the skin elasticity was gone. I also had C-section, and I could see that my skin did not go back to the way it was. I think it was the combination of the huge belly during pregnancy, C-section and my age. I could also tell that my skin did not revert to its pre-pregnancy position due to a scar on my stomach -- now the scar is in a totally wrong position! But yes, the kids are worth it, and I have plenty of other good features that I am proud of!

I always thought that tummy tuck is just removing excess skin. I am under the impression that (older) people who losses tons of weight usually do a tummy tuck since they could not get rid of the excess skin.
I am glad I am not the only one. This is making me feel better. I try not to look down when I am pushing up!

My favorite quote was from Anne Lamott's book..."Operating Instructions". She said(this was immediately postpartum tho) that when she lies on her side, her stomach lies politely beside her... like a puppy! :-D ha ha ha!!!

I've got it too.

I figure it's okay. A flat stomach is fine, and I had one for 32 years... but now... well... it's just okay. It's part of who I am.

Just know you aren't alone.
Hi everyone just thought I owuld let you know 1 more person with the droopy skin I have had just 3 children all C-section all 10 pounds I just did a search about tummy tucks it said remove excess skin and fat and tighten muscle I feel like alot of you If I was to run into the lottery jackpot I may have the procedure But my children are definitely worth it I think right now they are all teenagers and some days I question that JK wow to I believe Cheryl w/10 children I come from a large family and would have loved to have had more children but 3 seems to be what worked for us. I have definitely gotten used to the tummy skin sagging looks falt in jeans so that is good enough and feels firm to touch. No you ared efinitely not alone!
Hi - I didn't have a pregnancy, but my abs were in great shape until last April when I had emergency surgery (they cut me from below belly button to breast area). Anyway, I could not do any ab work until about October becauseI was still so tender in that area. I wok them now about three times a week and they will never be what they were and I'm o.k. with that. I say just continue to work them and even though they may not be as defined as you'd like them to be, tryp to accept that. I'm pretty defined at 50 everywhere else so it's not a big deal to me.

do not give up! I've had 5 kids and believe that with working out and clean eating and PLANKS you can at least tone up that area. I have a flat stomach in clothes and can feel my abs which are now very strong. Crunches and regular sit ups never seemed to get to this loose area, but when you're in the position of push ups (yes, look down) hold it as tight as you can. If you do planks consistantly I bet you will start to see this area tighten eventually, even if there is a little bit of "slack" left.
Hope this helps...

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