Strange Cathe dream!


After seeing the photos of Cathe's new workouts, I'm excited to get them. Must be carrying on into my subconscious, because I had this dream last night:

The crew was filming not on their lovely set, but in a gymnasium. The back wall was all mirrors, and the camera (my perspective) was in the bleachers, sometimes behind them so you saw the bleachers in the shot. Outside the open door, which was to "camera" left, right off the bleachers, there seemed to be a mall, and there was a Christmas tree inside next to the door. A mother and her two young children stopped in to check out the taping.

Cathe went through a warm-up which included some plank variations: in plank position (on hands and toes), she did partial push-ups, with one hand. The first set (first hand) were 8 reps, counted somewhat slowly. The second set (other hand) were 10 reps, whipped out quickly. When she was done, she stood up, all sweaty and exhausted-looking and my dream-self thought that she was doing too much too soon after her baby. After all, 6 intense workouts taped in what, three days?

She then exhaustedly slumped to the back of the room (in front of the huge mirrored wall) towards a treadmill and said: "o.k., let's start the .... workout ( don't remember what she called it, but at the time I thought it was a cool name).
That's so funny! I was thinking about posting a dream I had the other night. I did IMAX and I was feeling a little sluggish and couldn't get through a couple of the intervals without modifying (maybe partly 'cause it was 10 pm?). When I went to bed I had this dream about Cathe and her StepMax crew (I could tell by what they were wearing), except they were all really overweight and instead of drinking water throughout the workout they were drinking milkshakes and they were working out on a houseboat. But Cathe was as enthusiastic and encouraging as ever and the whole point was to have fun and she didn't want anyone to worry about losing weight. She wanted me to lighten up about my workout routine. Hmmm.........

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-02 AT 00:38AM (Est)[/font][p]Kathryn~That is tooo funny! Oh my goodness, if that is Cathe's warm-up, I shudder to think what her cardio section would consist of??? Thanks for the laugh!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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