Butt exercises!
Hi! There is alot of equipment that work the legs and glutes--examples being-stepper,spinning bike,stairmaster,butt blaster,elliptic etc... I don't know what you have access to but I hope you find the following helpful!
As for strength training, lunges and squats are great for the glutes. In a gym, the leg press is also great -- concentrate on squeezing your butt when you extend your legs, and lower the load with control.
Butt kickers
1. Position yourself on all four - hands and knees in contact with the floor. Gently lift one foot off the ground.
2. With the lifted leg maintaining a bend in the knee, raise the foot high above your bottom. Hold and squeeze for 2 seconds. Slowly lower and repeat 15 times.
Butt Buster Floor Exercise
Kneel on all fours with your hands wider than shoulder width apart.
Now push one leg up behind you keeping it bent so that your knee is level with your hips, make sure the sole of your foot is facing the ceiling. Squeeze your butt as tight as possible then return your knee back to starting position. Repeat until you have completed your set.
You can also alternate between legs if you prefer performing a rep on one leg then going straight onto the next leg. Make sure you use a exercise or stretch mat to protect your knees.
Step Ups
Use approx a 20 inch step, bench or chair.
The best way to gauge what height step or bench you should be using is to bend your leg and bring your knee up so that it is in line with your hip. Ok, now see where your foot is? Yep. That's the height of the step or bench you should be using.
When stepping up make sure your knee is in line with your hip. Your leg should be bent on a right angle and your knee should be in line with your ankle.
Step up with your right leg onto the bench, bringing your left leg up behind you, making sure that both legs are straight and your body is sturdy.
Now lower your right leg down again, followed by your left leg. Repeat for the reps your workout requires.
If you are more advanced in your training you can do this with dumbells in your hands at your sides or with a barbell resting across the back of your shoulders.
Perform this exercise on each leg twice.
Hip Extension
Feel the burn in your hamstrings and glutes with this exercise. On a step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the edge of the step, legs straight with toes resting lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Outer Thigh Leg Lift
Note--there is no true 'outer thigh.' When you work your outer thigh, you're actually working your butt! This exercise can be done standing or lying on your side. While standing, simply lift the leg out to the side, a few feet off the floor. Keep hip, knee and foot in line and foot flexed. Repeat 8-12 times on each leg. For more intensity, add a 1-5 pound ankle weight
Deadlifts are great for your hamstrings, butt and lower back, but form is critical! Stand with feet hip-width apart, weight in front of thighs. Keeping back flat and abs in, tip forward from the hips and lower your torso until bar hits mid-shin. Squeeze butt to raise back up. Keep the bar close to your legs through the entire movement--don't bend the knees! Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Hiking burns tons of calories because you're typically going up steep mountains and maybe even getting into thin air, which requires lots of energy. Also, walking up an incline automatically gets your glutes more involved and, if you're wearing a backpack, you're really getting a workout. Plus, you get to see nature at its best.
Riding a bike is great for your heart and it also targets almost every muscle in your hips, thighs and butt. On a stationary bike, alternate 3 minutes at 70-80 RPM with 2 minutes at 100-110 RPM for a calorie-blasting 30 minute workout. You can also try Spinning at the gym or riding outside. Gear up to really work your glutes!
Running, like walking is accessible, easy to learn, reduces stress, helps in weight loss, and it makes you feel good. Plus, it really works your butt, especially when you add a few hills to your regular running route. Sprints are another option for folks wanting to both burn more calories and tighten up the old tush.
Kickboxing was a hot item back in the day, but it's still a great workout. Controlled kicks work your hips, thighs and butt while complex combinations that include punches will target your abs to make them stronger.
Walking is easy: you can do it anywhere, anytime with no special equipment. There's no learning curve and it's something you can incorporate all day long. If you walk up hills, you can really target your glutes and, if you pick up the intensity, you'll burn some of that extra flab off your buns!
Your friend in fitness~~Francine