Someone explain the Pyramid Down or Up only?


What is the theory with this? What are it's benefits? How do you do it-by this I mean what weight increases would you use? Why would you want to do it? How did you find out about this flavor of workout?

If I'm not mistaken, Pyramid Up only is probably more popular. I use the pre-mixes on the PUB/PLB DVD to do Pyramid Up/Down. Pyramid Up is increasing the weight and decreasing the reps for 3 sets; therefore, for the sets: lowest weight, highest rep; low weight, low rep and highest weight, lowest rep. The reverse is true for Pyramid Down. I think Pyramid Up/Down is faster since it has lower sets and still getting the benefit of pyramiding.

Since the sets are lower (3 instead of 5) in Pyramid Up/Down instead of full pyramid, I usually start with the next weight increment compared to the lowest weight I would use with full pyramid. I have also used Pyramid Up with constant weight -- therefore, achieving 'drop set' method. I usually pick the middle weight for my constant weight. It reduces the amount of weight changes...
I must say that I don't really even understand the pyramid system. Every time I do this tape I think OVERKILL. I consistently do Pyramid UP now. Sometimes I stay with my heavy weight and sometimes I drop slightly because of fatigue, but I can't understand doing so many sets with such a submaximal weight. I guess it is very endurance based towards the end. Then I do Pyramid UP and it almost doesn't feel like enough work!!! Guess you can't have it all!!:)

The entire Pyramid system (up, down or both) falls into the category of High Intensity Strength Training. HIT is designed to challenge the exerciser who has been strength training for at least six months with a goal of increasing both strength and size.

The HIT system is meant to be performed without any rest. When you strength train with rest in between sets, the muscle fibers you fatigued recover during the rest period and are used again in the next set of that same exercise. Remove the rest and the fatigued fibers are too tired to work again in the same exercise, and new, dormant fibers - fibers not ordinarily challenged - are recruited to work.

Now don't shoot me, but I personally feel that PUB *is* a bit overkill, and here's why. The front shoulder works with the chest during the bench press and flies, the triceps work with the bench press, the biceps and rear shoulder work with the lat rows, and the chest, rear shoulder and triceps work with the lats during pullovers. That's a lot of work! Is it any wonder that by the time the smaller, isolated muscle groups get worked that they are, in essence, overworked?

If you are finding yourself fried on shoulders, triceps and biceps during PUB, use the half pyramid approach for these muscle groups, or stop the workout after chest and back and work shoulders, triceps and biceps on a different day using the full pyramid system.

If you like using this tape as is but find it daunting, go lighter on the smaller muscles. I always use less than what Cathe recommends and am still sore the next day.


I always omit the front delt raises in PUB, since they are well worked in the chest segment. That way, when I'm done with the routine, I feel that I got a more balanced shoulder workout.

I still do the pyramids for triceps and shoulders, though;-)
I have been doing Pyramid UP for 4 weeks and have enjoyed it a lot (especially the stability ball). I only tried the full pyramid twice and didn't care for it because I was wanting to go much heavier, which UP has allowed me to do. Now I'm contemplating going to DOWN or doing a few weeks of S&H (really ought to be able to heavy-up this round) and then move to Power Hour/MIS after that. We'll see.

I really enjoy full pyramids - I was first exposed to them in June 1988 Shape magazine when Joyce Vedral first appeared with a two-day split. I did it regularly until I had a child in 1993. It was the same sets / reps as Cathe's pyramid videos and I had great results. I'd like to do Joyce again sometime but Fast Forward video is WAY too fast to go heavy and I've become so spoiled with Cathe! Of course I could do a non-video workout, but what's the fun in that?!

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