shoulder and arm pain


Active Member
I had increased the weight I was lifting for PS legs from 35 pounds to 45 pounds. I am now suffering from doing this.
I have a throbbing pain in my should down the side of my left arm. It has been throbbing since last Sunday.
Has this ever happened to anyone? I am hoping the pain will stop. I really don't want to go to a doctor for it! I have not been lifting weight since Sunday. Any suggestions?
Hi DiDi,
I'm sorry to hear you have injured yourself! I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like the jump from 35 to 45lbs was a little too much. Normally, I would say you have badly pulled or strained a muscle, but as you are still in pain several days later, it may be something a little more serious like a trapped nerve, perhaps. Although you mention you don't want to visit your GP, I would think this may be wise, particularly if the pain is not subsiding. Personally, I would make sure you rest the injury and try alternating applying a cold and hot compress to help take down any inflammation. Taking some kind of anti-inflammatory may help also.
As I say, I'm not a medical expert, but I hope these suggestions help and I hope that you are feeling better soon!
Take care,

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I have to agree that a visit to your physician would probably be wise. A strained muscle will hurt for a while, but a throbbing pain for 5 days should be checked into. Your shoulder joints are very eaily injured--get it checked out if you still hurt.

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