QUIZ - Are you diet obsessive or simply sensible?


Try this quiz and find out whether you are a diet obsessive or simply sensible. Write down how many you answered 'Yes' to and I will tell you which one you are.

1. Do you plan tomorrow's food today?
2. Do you feel self-loathing when you stray from your diet?
3. Do you refuse social offers because they might not have the right food for you?
4. Are you getting stricter and stricter with your diet?
5. Do you have a feeling of peaceful self-control when eating what is on your diet?
6. Do you look down on others who do not eat healthily?
7. If you've misread a recipe and used a tablespoon, would you worry about putting on weight?
8. Do you spend more than three hours a day thinking about food?
9. Do you care more about being "good" with your meals rather than just enjoy eating them?
10. Would you rather go without than eat something not on your diet?

Be honest with yourself now. I will let you know the results at my next posting.

Okay Yen,

I said "yes" to 3 of them (#'s 1,2 and 5)

but: #1- I have to plan my meals a day in advance, not just for my sake but the family on the whole.

#2- only if I stray "big time" like a pint of ice cream or 1/2 a cheesecake (when I stray~I stray!) So I'm angry with myself for the negligent eating, and the fact that I probably just effected the next mornings workout by loading up on sugar rather than something nutritious! Plus, you KNOW I'm still trying to lose weight! I have to obsess a little don't I?!

#5- I do feel totally peaceful and in control when eating the right foods. I know I'm doing the right thing, making the right choices, etc., and it feels good.

So am I an obsessive nut? :)


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