Push-ups/Pull-ups Poll


Okay, push-ups are brutal to do and so are pull-ups. I have been tracking my progress over the past few weeks. Now, at one time, I am up to 30 pushups and 6 pull-ups. What is the max that all of you out there can do at one-time?
I never tried to do more than 20 on-my-toes push-ups, so I guess that's my max. I don't have the nerve to try pull-ups, so Max Zero.
My max pushups in the past is 30-never tried to do more. With the pushup challenge I will be though;) I cannot do any pullups but can do 3 chinups in a row. Struggling to add that 4rth.

Max push-ups - 100; max chin-ups 10. That's the in-row-count.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Max pushups = 40 on my toes, plus 10 more on my knees for a total of 50. My goal is to do 50 total on my toes.

Can't do pullups or chinups. I tried last weekend while camping... on the kid's playground you know,with those bars? Strength-wise I can, and I managed three on my first try. But they absolutely destroyed my elbows due to my pesky cubital tunnel syndrome. I will NOT be adding them to my workout. It ain't worth it.
Yepper, they were on my toes! I can tell you the exact day and the approximate time - March 11 at 1PM of this year.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
The most toe pushups I've been able to do without stopping is 25. This was about 2 years ago. Nowadays, I can do about 15. I could probably do more if I really pushed myself...x(

I can do about 10 pullups, but I do the lying down on the floor with a bar over your head kind. Not sure if these count! I haven't done the other kind of pull ups in years (standing) so I have no idea how many I can (or can't) do.
About 20 push-ups---which is REALLY pushing it for me. I can do one or two (on a good day) pull-ups (the hands facing away from you kind). Those are really hard! Are chin-ups different from pull-ups? If chin-ups are with the hands facing you (using the biceps instead of the triceps), I can do more like 10.

I am impressed with some of your numbers! I aspire!
to all of you who are attempting push-ups and chin-ups, keep it up, that is great. My goal is to get past 30 in a row. Honeybunch1, what is your secret to getting to 100? I am sure a lot of us want to know. Thanks.

>to all of you who are attempting push-ups and chin-ups, keep
>it up, that is great. My goal is to get past 30 in a row.
>Honeybunch1, what is your secret to getting to 100? I am sure
>a lot of us want to know. Thanks.

Shhhhh, don't repeat this, but I have it on good authority that Honeybunch is a cyborg. A really nice cyborg, but a cyborg none the less. That's her secret. Shhhhhhhhhh...you didn't hear it from me.

BTW - no chinups, no pullups, two straight-leg-on-toes-on-floor pushups. But I can go to 50 on knees.

I am working really hard on all of the above.

I can do cardio and core work endlessly, that has to count for something - right?
The most consecutive toe push-ups I've ever done was 16. I generally can hang in there for about 12. I can do 1/3 of a chin-up and am working hard to get to one by my birthday in December.:)
Melody - actually, I'm bionic.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I am working on chin-ups, and only count a full one when the chin is over the bar. I can do one in a row!
I can do 33 1/2 push-ups on toes (keeping same ROM and speed).

(I know this because I'm doing both the chin-up check in and the push-up challenge!).
Interesting thread. This should inspire some of you. Last year, as a new year's resolution/goal kind of thing, I decided that by the end of 2005 I wanted to be able to do a full set (defined by me as 8) of unassisted pullups and a full set of dips. I mentioned this to a trainer and he asked how many I could do at that time and I didn't know. I then tried each (I usually did both exercises with assistance) and I was able to do 1 (and a half) pullups and I was surprised that I could already to 8 dips (that was pretty cool). Anyhow, I decided to focus on pullups for the year.

Anyhow, I would lead off every back workout with as many pullups as I can do unassisted, followed by two sets of assisted pullups. In May I was delighted to be up to 4 pullups when my gym had it's annual 'competition'. I was definitely getting sick up of pullups by the summer, but then one of my coworkers expressed his doubt that I'd be able to do it. Well, he put his money where is mouth is and bet me lunch that I couldn't do it. To make a long story short, on December 29 my coworker witnessed me complete 8 pullups. I am pretty proud of that.

I share this not only to brag, but to tell you that you can do it too. I was really inspired that I could make those kinds of gains in one year. I measured my progress by half-pullups, and each time I would try to push myself just a little further. I swear that every time I would go to start I would have butterflies and I would have that feeling that I wouldn't be able to do it. But each time my nose or chin would touch the bar I would think "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just did that. I couldn't possibly do another one." But then I would. The day I did 8, I remember thinking on each one "I can't do another one" but then I would.

I haven't really challenged myself on standard pushups, but I did do 25 once last year. This year's gym 'competition' had us doing knee pushups, and honestly, they were wimpy b/c they weren't all the way down (just to a 90 degree angle for your arms). I was able to do 130 of those before collapsing. I may have to try to test myself on toe pushups next week.

FWIW, this year's unofficial goal is to do a one-armed pushup. I have failed miserably at all attempts on this front and don't really know how to train for this. Right now I literally fall on my face trying. It is pretty funny. I have learned that the best place to smash your face is into a mattress. :)
>Outstanding! I have no doubt that you'll be able to do
>one-arm push-ups. I want to be able to do them, too.
>This link should be helpful in learning how to work up to
>Let's get to work!
>"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think
>you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark
>Twain ;-)

That's an awesome page. Exactly what I needed. Thanks!!!

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