Problem with Ryka Shoes


A few weeks ago I posted about a problem I was having with my left heel - it felt as if I had pulled/torn my achilles tendon. As a result, I stopped step aerobics and took up riding my bike instead. I also stopped using the brand new Ryka Studio Flex Mid shoes I had just purchased. After two weeks, my heel started to feel better so I tried step aerobics again, this time with my old New Balance shoes. I did not notice any pain. So I tried my Ryka shoes again, and the problem resumed.

I decided to visit the podiatrist. After x-rays, he determined that I did not have a bone spur or torn achilles tendon. He did take one look at my shoes though and said that the ankle of the shoe is too high and narrow and was pinching my tendon and causing the pain.

So, there you go. I recently purchased New Balance 1210 cross training shoes, and love them. No more heel problems, and they provide excellent arch support and heel cushioning.

Now I'm happily back to my full step aerobic schedule!

UGH I cannot stand Rykas! I have flat, wide feet & they're nothing short of painful. :( Frankly, I think their quality has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years. They used to feel like I was working out w/clouds on my feet, now they feel like combat boots.

Asics for me. :)
So, there you go. I recently purchased New Balance 1210 cross training shoes, and love them. No more heel problems, and they provide excellent arch support and heel cushioning.


Those are what my podiatrist recommended. I love them. I wonder now if my previous shoes, mostly Ryka and then Underarmor caused my problems with my neuroma :(
UGH I cannot stand Rykas! I have flat, wide feet & they're nothing short of painful. :( Frankly, I think their quality has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years. They used to feel like I was working out w/clouds on my feet, now they feel like combat boots.

Asics for me. :)

I agree with you 100% Laura. I used to love Rykas -- so much, that I bought 2 pair at a time so I'd have a pair when one wore out. They USED to be the most comfy workout shoes for me ever. The last 4 sets that I ordered I had to send back. At first I thought I just got a bummed pair, so I ordered again, sent them get the idea. I guess they just don't make good quality shoes like they used to. :mad: Right now I'm using a pretty old pair of Rykas with inserts because I just can't seem to find a good stepping shoe. My feet are also flat. What kind of Asics do you wear? My running shoes are Addidas Supernovas and they're great, but not for stepping.
UGH I cannot stand Rykas! I have flat, wide feet & they're nothing short of painful. :( Frankly, I think their quality has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years. They used to feel like I was working out w/clouds on my feet, now they feel like combat boots.

Asics for me. :)

I agree, Laura. I use to love Ryka's and I am flat-footed too. Saucony's are my new favorites.
I can never get Rykas that fit; 5.5 is too small, 6 is too big.

I'm with you, Debbie, Saucony's are my favorite--they have lots of cushioning, too!

I went to a conference where the woman who started Ryka spoke. I think she sold the company about a year later, and they haven't been the same since. :(
I see the style of New Balances that are suggested...but what style of Asics are some of you all wearing. I have Asic running shoes...but they are not great on carpet.

I agree with you 100% Laura. I used to love Rykas -- so much, that I bought 2 pair at a time so I'd have a pair when one wore out. They USED to be the most comfy workout shoes for me ever. The last 4 sets that I ordered I had to send back. At first I thought I just got a bummed pair, so I ordered again, sent them get the idea. I guess they just don't make good quality shoes like they used to. :mad: Right now I'm using a pretty old pair of Rykas with inserts because I just can't seem to find a good stepping shoe. My feet are also flat. What kind of Asics do you wear? My running shoes are Addidas Supernovas and they're great, but not for stepping.

Ditto Ditto Ditto

My last 2 pair were so awful I wore them twice EACH. I will never buy them again. They used to be wonderful but now I get terrible calf pain from them and they feel like wood!!!!!!!!!


For years I actually had pretty good luck with Rykas. Their athletic shoes for water aerobics are the best and I got onto their instructor discount program, using that for studio aerobics shoes.


They started majorly farting around with the design, and twice now in the past two years (the most recent being just last month) I had to send them back because the toe box was way too wide. I'd already had to go down a whole half size, and if I were to get new pairs of the Studio Midflex as it is on the shelves now I'd have to go down yet ANOTHER half size! Plus - who's got the time to jack around with that?!

I'm getting very intersested in the Asics that you all are mentioning. I'm working off of a couple pair of New Balances that I'm not crazy about. Keep the suggestions coming!

I used to wear Ryka all the time too. I have sinced switched to Asics for all my shoes...running, cross-training and even my shoes for tennis. My feet have never been happier. :) I use the Asics Gel Stratus 2.1 for running/walking (these are for under-pronators, which most people are not, so its rare to find a good shoe) and the Asics Gel Intensity for cross-training, they are for all foot types, they are excellent for all my step, drills and kickbox.

I used to wear Ryka all the time too. I have sinced switched to Asics for all my shoes...running, cross-training and even my shoes for tennis. My feet have never been happier. :) I use the Asics Gel Stratus 2.1 for running/walking (these are for under-pronators, which most people are not, so its rare to find a good shoe) and the Asics Gel Intensity for cross-training, they are for all foot types, they are excellent for all my step, drills and kickbox.


Does Asics have a good website where you can buy direct, or do you have to go to a store locator or a big-box?

i feel like the only thing left to love about rykas are the high top style. am i the only one who cant imagine doing cathe workouts withouts that added ankle support? so, are there asics or saucony or others that make a mid or high top?

Does Asics have a good website where you can buy direct, or do you have to go to a store locator or a big-box?



I go to the asics website to do the research on the shoes, especially the running shoes, they have excellent tools for helping to find the shoes that will work with your foot/stride type. Then I order them online. I have bought them from,, and amazon. The running shoes, the most popular styles, are in most big-box sports stores, but the other shoes, sports specific and cross-trainers, including the gel-intensity are very hard to find in stores. I just shop around on the web and find the best price at the time for the shoe that I want and has free shipping/returns if I do not like them or need another size. I have found the shoes to be true to size so far, so I have size 7 in all the styles.


Mary :)
Very interesting comments - I discovered RYKAS a yr ago & so far so good - LOVE THEM!!! I have enver cared for New Balance myself but do love Saucony's alot too. I think my next new pair will be Saucony just to mix it up a bit.
My podiatrist says any of Asics' Gel series are the best. Strangely, I've found that my on-sale $60 pair are much more comfortable than my full-price $160 pair.

I have weird feet though. :confused:
As much as we can recommend what shoes work for us personally, everyone has to find the pair that works for them. After my Ryka nightmare, I tried Asics Gels and found they were too tight around my toes and half-way through the work-out I had pins & needles and had to change shoes. It is tough though, trying to find the best pair for your feet and workout!

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