Print workout from calendar - only allows editing rotation, not printing


New Member
I would like to be able to print out the workout "card" for the rotation in my calendar so I can notate what weights/reps I use/or completed. I was only able to do for the 1st day/1st workout on the calendar. All other workouts scheduled on the calendar don't have the option to "edit workout" - only "edit rotation". I am doing "XTrain 90-Day Undulating". To get around the inability to print a workout card, I just "show chapters" and copy the "chapters" into excel. Appreciate any help.
Hmm, so I just tried Xtrain chest, back produced the workout card (be sure to scroll down) for me ... I didn't print it cuz I'm not in need of it right now. For what it's worth, I prefer using an excel format cuz I can put several dates on one page ... I like seeing the past & current weights together on one page ... I find it motivating. Good luck ... I really enjoyed the 90 day undulating rotation ... hope you do too!

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