Plain yogurt recipes?


I bought a tub of plain organic yogurt and it is gross by itself. Any recipes that call for plain yogurt from the educated crowd? I'd hate to throw it out, it was kinda spendy. Thanks!!!
Hey Jillybean,

Mix it with some splenda and some kind of extract flavoring. I'm really into McCormick's Vanilla Butter& Nut right now but plain old vanilla extract will do it, too. You can eat it on it's own or use as a dip for fresh fruit. You can also mix wheat germ, granola, or Fiber One in it to give it some crunch.

I'm not part of the educated crowd but I eat plain yogurt with 100% grape juice concentrated and brown sugar. Tastes delicious!
Hope it helps.
I like plain yogurt in twice-baked potatoes with a little fresh, cooked spinach. Mush it all together and put it back in the shell, then bake until the top is a little crispy.
Hi - you could mix some jam in it...I use an all fruit type of jam, no sugar. Then it would be just like a flavored yogurt but without the sugar. Also you can usually substitute plain yogurt for sour cream in any recipe.
Chop up a variety of fruits, then add huge dollops of yogurt as the dressing. You can also add ground flax seed, a bit of rolled oats, wheat germ, but keep it mostly fruit.
I make my own yogurt all the time and use it in fruit smoothies. Even my picky 10 year old daughter loves them.

1 cup plain yogurt
1 ripe bannana
any other fruit you want
1 Tablespoon van. soy drink powder
1 Tablespoon of an essential oil blend

Put it in blender and mix well
Then add 1-2 cup crushed ice.
Blend till smooth and enjoy.

I also put a about 1/4 cup of my homemade granola on the top and stir it in. Oh its so good.

I use to put my Juice plus powder in it too. Ran out of it though.
This is very healthy. No refined sugar in any of it. If you make a big batch you can eat it almost all day by putting it in ref.

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