Paul Chek's article on vegetarianism

His resume doesn't list any academic degrees. But he has been mentioned/quoted in "Glamour" & "Shape". Seriously, before I listen to a stranger's advice, they need some credibility. This quote from his website doesn't help at all:

"The serpent in all of US must master the earth and fire trials of survival "

I can't stop giggling. What an absurd statement.

While I respect Chek's views on exercise, he WON'T be my nutritionist (nor my source of guidance for "spiritual development"!)

In regards to the question on ethics, he cites studies on plant sentience that have NEVER been able to be duplicated (and even if plants COULD feel pain---physiologically impossible, because they have no nervous system, but let's imagine--one would certainly create a lot LESS "plant suffering" by eating lower on the food chain.:
"Paul Chek: Many vegetarians avoid eating animals because they are sentient creatures. But if you look at the research of Cleve Backster (See the book Secret Life Of Plants and Secret Life Of The Cell), you will find that plants, while less mobile, may be just as sentient as many animals!"

I'd like to have him live the life of a factory-farmed animal for a week, and see if he would continue to think this: "Moreover, we can provide these animals with a better life than they might have otherwise had."
Of everything I have read about vegetarianism and veganism...this is like the first person I have heard disputing the statistics. Give me a break! Plants feeling pain?...A quote from The Vegan Sourcebook I just read: "If factory farms had glass walls, we would all be vegetarians". I am going to believe the studies I have read about where other countries that don't consume as much animal protien as the USA have much lower instances of cancer, heart disease, diabetes. Read "The China Study", or "The Food Revolution"....:)...Carole
I think it's funny that people assume that a vegetarian diet is unheathy because they've met people who were unheathy vegetarians. It's like believing that driving is unsafe because you've met an unsafe driver!! Makes no sense whatsoever!!
ANY diet can be unhealthy if you don't get the nutrients you need. Fortunatly you can do that on a vegan diet!

The more I think about this, I actually find it very offensive that Chek does his best to convince vegetarians and vegans he works with to include animal products in their diets. And he dismisses ethical objections as if those who have them are illogical, unreasoning fools who don't know what's best for them. His own "logic" doesn't stand up to analysis. I once read a quote that "man is not a rational animal, but rather a rationalizing animal" seems to fit Chek in this case.

I'd like to meet the 'many' vegetarians he's worked with that are unhealthy. I'm sure they could be healthier without adding animal products.

And who are these sources he's quoting to support his arguments?

Frankly, I think he's gone off the deep end! He also seems to be into that blood-type diet, though I couldn't bring myself to read much more of his ideas on diet or "sprirtuality" to be sure.

Hmmmm...the symbol he posts on his site is a SNAKE...he seems to be making it one of his causes to discount ethical reasons for avoiding animal products, thus turning people away from their beliefs...who does this sound like? }(

>>I think it's funny that people assume that a vegetarian diet is unheathy because they've met people who were unheathy vegetarians. It's like believing that driving is unsafe because you've met an unsafe driver!! Makes no sense whatsoever!!<<<

Unfortunately, it seems that there are quite a few people who make generalizations about veg*ns based on one or two cases. It's like to them, as a veg*n,, you represent your entire 'race', and if you have any health's because you're a veg*n!
>"The serpent in all of US must master the earth and fire
>trials of survival "
>I can't stop giggling. What an absurd statement.

Kind of cave-man like, isn't it?
Even if I wasn't a vegetarian, I would think that this article was full of crap. My grandma has arthritis and the ONLY thing that gives her major flare-ups is fatty meats, not vegetable oils. Go figure.

I am trying to remember the last time I heard a tomatoe cry out when I pulled it off the vine. I think that point is a bit funny.

What else can I say that you guys have not? I agree on all counts.

I have to agree with Kathryn on all counts once again(I tend to do that a lot). Yesterday, DH and I spent the day in DC with some friends. We had a great time but of course had to eat out in the city. We try our best to eat vegan but when we're out with others(non-vegans), it tends to be more of a challenge(if not impossible). I'm sure we ended up eating some animal products(we both had pancakes, the only vegetarian item in the restaurant after waiting 45 minutes for a table). He also had hot chocolate(from another cafe and took it to go). Of course they added milk to his drink and wouldn't you know it, he was sick to his stomach the rest of the evening. I've noticed that since we became vegans, when we both have any sort of animal protein, we immediatly have some sort of "reaction". I instantly feel bloated and just yucky! The more this happens to me, the more I'm convinced we did the RIGHT thing by becomming vegans. It's the healthiest way to eat IMO, and I'm not going to let some vegetarian "hata" with no credentials bring me down!!!

I agree on all counts as well. Plus, I would love to see him explain how it is he thinks his "theory" can hold any kind of credibility when it is a well known fact that some of the longest living people on earth are vegetarians!!

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