Patellar tendonitis anyone??


Has anyone here ever experienced this or know someone who has?

After researching this painful bump under my kneecap, I believe I have this. (I had tendonitis on my achilles tendon before so I suppose I'm prone to tendonits). I've had pain for about two months now and the last few weeks have given me more pain than not.

I guess I need to make an appt with a physical therapist (??) to get a proper diagnosis, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

So if you are familiar with this, what do you do to get rid of it? Does it come back once healed?

Thanks for any feedback!!
Yup. I had a bout of it during my round of PT after my 2nd knee surgery. They did the electrical stimulation thing on it, and that helped. Every now and then it flares up on me, but not too often. I find that ice helps, as well as massage. Hard and firm running ACROSS the tendon, not WITH it.


Erin, would you mind explaining your symptoms in a bit more detail to me? My Dad has been suffering with a similar thing for sometime, and has self diagnosed it as patellar tendonitis also... I would be interested to compare symptoms.
I really feel for you, I know how horrible joint pain can be.
I had tendonitis in my foot when I was 10, and I was on crutches for 2 years. I think this is partly why I am now addicted to exercise... because I can, I do. So I really hope that the physio therapist can do something for you.

I have this bump right under my knee cap and under the place where the doctor hits to check reflexes. It's about the size and shape of a jumbo jellybean or jordan almond. It hurts after I do cardio (step, running, floor) for hours. Movements that involve using the steps (walking down especially), getting out of a chair, and getting on and off the toilet are when I really feel the pain.

Is you dad active? I've been reading it's a 'jumping' injury - like basketball players, etc. I'm thinking the constant pounding of the step has something to do with it in my case. Also, I've read that weak quad muscles will increase the chance of getting patellar tendonitis.

Wow, two years on crutches??! I'm sorry to hear that. And yes, it's so hard to quit doing what you love, even when it becomes painful.

I hope your dad feels better and gets some relief soon.:)
Hello :) When not in pain, my Dad runs 6 days a week, about an hour a day, at least.. so yes, he is active. Your symptoms sound very similar to those of my Dad. My Dad is hoping to get treatment at the physio therapist soon, if he has any luck, I'll let you know what they did for him! :)

I know this may be the last thing that is on your mind, but I have found that drill type exercises are far less strenuous on the joints than step, kickbox and hi lo.. I think it's to do with the controlled nature of the movements. :)
Drill type - like Drill Max and Insanity??! I agree, I like step for variety and just a fun workout, but it's really doing a number on my body as I get older, even with one riser instead of two.

I saw that you just got Insanity!! Isn't it insane, but the BEST workout??!!

Thanks for your help!
Yes, Drill Max and Insanity (although I'm a newcomer to Insanity of course :))
I find that 30/30 HIIT is alright... as is double wave pyramid. I think if there is height involved, it's okay.. but if the impact comes from lots of directional changes, and 'hard' contact with the step, my knees feel strained.
I really hope your knee gets better::)

And yes :) I'm in love with insnaity :) I don't think I have ever got undressed and into my exercise clothes so fast before in my life :)
Thanks, Nan!

What's electrical stimulation?? Can you do that at home or is it an office procedure?

I *think* the Dr can prescribe a home machine, but mine was always done at the PT office. They're little sticky electrode things like and EKG that stick to your leg and it runs electrical pulses thru. Feels like anywhere from a little "bzzzz bzzzz" to a "zap zap" depending on how high it is turned up. I imagine it could hurt if turned up too high. They also used it on my muscles to speed healing. Not sure HOW it work, but it seems to. Make sure you shave your legs before you go if they are doing this. Those electrodes are STICKY little buggers.

I never had a bump or anything on my knee from the tendonitis. Not sure what thats about? I suppose it could happen though. Did you bang your knee on anything? I'm forever walking into things. Damn furniture walks right out in front of me sometimes:p

Thanks so much, Zozo!! What you say makes a lot of sense, with the directional changes and contact with the step. I haven't really used Cathe's HiIT dvds yet, just did all of them once, but will think about doing those instead of step for a few weeks to see if I see any changes. If not, I'll break down and see a therapist.

Enjoy Insanity!!

Ok, so when I go to the chiropractor, he puts those things on my back. I know exactly what you're talking about now - the 'bzzzzz bzzzz' made sense to me! Maybe the chiro can put them on my knee?? Hmmmm . . . . . . .

I didn't bang my knee or anything like that, it's just a bump. I'm assuming it's the same type of bump I had on my achilles tendon.

Thanks for the info!!

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