P90X vs Insanity vs Kettleworx

I did a P90X rotation with some modifications to the cardio back in 2007 and got awesome results. No weight loss but I leaned out like crazy!

I did an Insanity rotation I wanna say 2 summers ago (?) and also got excellent results. The only modification was to add a weight work out on to the end of each week. I couldn't not lift for 2 months straight. Just wasn't gonna happen! ;) I leaned out but also dropped weight. It put me at my lightest weight I had been at in years!

Kettleworx I can not attest to but I have worked with kettlebells and if you are interested in using them I would buy a bell and grab a couple good quality videos instead. Iron Core which is sold at Target is a good place to start. AOS puts out excellent work outs but most of them (not all though) are for the more advanced. JMHO.

HTH some!:)
I did two rotations of Insanity and loved them. In fact getting ready for a third. If you follow a good diet, you drop weight like crazy. I followed the eating plan that came with the workout. It is really difficult, but very gratifying. A warning, do not plan on going anywhere immediatly following the workout, it is a sweatfest and you definitly need a shower.
I did two rotations of Insanity and loved them. In fact getting ready for a third. If you follow a good diet, you drop weight like crazy. I followed the eating plan that came with the workout. It is really difficult, but very gratifying. A warning, do not plan on going anywhere immediatly following the workout, it is a sweatfest and you definitly need a shower.

Sounds like you got awesome results! That's fabulous! Good job! That's some dedication to follow the meal plan too! :eek: I'll bet you can't wait for Asylum to be released! :D

I am doing STS right now but when I am done I think it will be a great time to do a second Insanity rotation! I'm long overdue! :rolleyes:
I have Kettleworx. I think it is brilliantly put together and marketed. I must say there are several exercises I am not sure about, and truly you can't do all of those different exercises with only 1 kettlebell. For example you need a heavy kettlebell when swinging, but there is one exercise when you throw a jab while holding a kettlebell. You just can't do that with the same 20# kettlebell you are using while swinging.

I think most people who are on this board will not be happy just doing Kettleworx, especially if you have done P90X, Insanity or STS. It is only 20 minutes 3 times per week. Kettleworx is great for a beginner/intermediate, someone who has a variety of kettlebells or only has 20 minutes to work out. I could see the people on this board being very happy using it as an adjunct to their workout.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy I bought the series when I got my kettlebell. The additional cost of the videos over the cost of the kettlebell was completely worth it to me to see how the exercises were put together and progressed over time. When I use it I use it as an add on to my workouts as opposed to its own rotation.

HTH Shayne
Also like Malibu Girl, I am going on my second rotation of Insanity. Absolutely love it. Results were outstanding! I leaned out a lot, and got completely rid of my 'thigh bulk' after 6 weeks. I am currently just rotating the Month 2 DVD's of Insanity with some 'Cathe' in there as well.( Cathe is a must ) Just like 'Fitmommy' I do think it's important to get at least a little bit of weight work in there.

Tried P90, but TOO MUCH weight work/ equipment involved. I am limited on space, not to mention a total cardio freak. Was not impressed with P90.

Kettlebell work outs would actually be a good work out to rotate in with a more intense work out like Insanity, or P90. They make really good 'active rest day, or 'rest week' work outs.

Winner in my book : Insanity: definately a tough one, but well worth it. ;)

Thanks for your replies

I'm a little initimidated about P90X and/or Insanity. I want to try them but I don't have an hour every day to workout. Is there a way to modifY?
a review for kettleworx on collage's site says the reps are very uneven in some of the workout...can anyone confirm this?
I have both P90x and Insanity and love them both. I've done a rotation with P90x (did my own cardio, P90x cardio was whacked to me) and got great results, especially in my upper body. I went to get a message and the guy told me I had great muscles in my back, and a co-worker commented me on my nice looking arms. I plan to do P90x right before summer.
As far as Insanity, I just received it about a month ago and love it. I'm a cardio junkie and the moves through me for a loop and had me sweating like crazy. I noticed it increased my stamina for uphill treadmill runs, but I have to limit/modify some of the moves because I have a bad right knee and the high impact screws with me. I didn't do the nutrition plan though, I bet if I did I would have gotten even better results.
Never tried kettlebell workouts, but am looking to purchase one.
a review for kettleworx on collage's site says the reps are very uneven in some of the workout...can anyone confirm this?

Yep, they are uneven and frankly it kind of bugged me. But once I knew it was happening I knew to count the reps and even it up myself. It is not something I would consider a deal breaker for people on this forum as everyone here is a fairly sophisticated exerciser. But for someone who was new it would be more of a problem.
I'm a little initimidated about P90X and/or Insanity. I want to try them but I don't have an hour every day to workout. Is there a way to modifY?

Actually, the entire first month's worth of DVD's in Insanity are all under 45 minutes. There are even a few in the 'Month 2' DVD's that are 50 minutes and under ( Max Cardio Conditioning ) If I am short on time, I always do one of the DVDs in Month 1, because I am always done from start to finish in uner 45 mn. !

I'm a little initimidated about P90X and/or Insanity. I want to try them but I don't have an hour every day to workout. Is there a way to modifY?

I have done two rotations of Insanity, loved it and got great results. As was already mentioned, in month one the workouts are shorter. To save time, sometimes I did not the do the whole stretch after the warmup but I did do a quick stretch and then went to the workout.

In month two, if I was short on time, sometimes I did not do all three repetitions of each circuit but did only two repetitions of the circuit. The chaptering of Insanity easily lends itself to this.
Done All Three

I seem to be the only one to have done all three. I was not a huge fan of P90 X, mostly because of all the equipment involved as mentioned earlier, and as someone that has joint and back issues found higher impact movements than on any of the other exercises. I know a lot of friends who like it, especially the yoga portions, though it is very complete in terms of the exercises it offers. Insanity is a calorie burner, though I didn't actually gain muscle mass or much strength. My preference is the Kettleworx with one caveat, as I really did become leaner and I really liked the diet plan the best as well. The problem is that the cardio really wasn't there for me. Another thing that I want to point out is there are different stages to Kettleworx. The initial 6 week three dvd set is ok, but I would suggest the advanced six week set, and to supplement it with the ultimate body collection. That is a 7 day work out plan. I find that when I am working for at least six days a week on the kettleworx I get similar results in terms of 20 minute work outs to the longer insanity work outs. I also feel the need to do running as well, more for the cardio than for the weight loss. I have noticed that some of the users of commented that you "need" multiple kettle bells, I would disagree, and would encourage people to increase the size of weight and try to maintain it throughout the entire workout. I still can't finish the advanced work outs with the 20lbs weight as a former marine that has kept in shape. Also huge time saver as I am very busy and found that on Insanity I really had to section off a large period of time for the work outs with work that was hard to maintain once my rotation was finished that is much easier to manage on this system. I also like the ability to more easily pinpoint exercises and increase and decrease difficulty. The 10 min options were helpful for days when I don't have a lot of time, or only use the basic three part work outs and throw in a particular section of body sculpting in case you don't always want to keep up a 7 day rotation. Just feel like there are a lot more options.

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