P90X...results, anyone?

Michele S

Reading all the P90X posts is driving me crazy, mainly because I don't have it and don't have the extra dough to put out right now, but I'd love to know what results everyone is seeing!

This is totally killing me too...it's like window shopping...which I REFUSE to do. Hey you want to go look around at the mall just for fun....NO!!!!! Tee hee. Now put some money in my pocket and ask me if I want to go look around and you'll get a different answer. Sigh....
Angela:-( :)
First of all...the main problem with me is always diet! So, I cleaned up my diet before P90X, turned vegetarian..:)...and after 4 weeks I can finally see my muscles again (They seemed to be hidden!) and have lost 13 lbs with 3 more to my goal...I really should have measured before but I didn't..:(...very much worth the money and a great compliment to your Cathe workouts...:)...Carole
I must first say that I don't follow the p90x rotation.But I work upper 3-4 times a week and lower 3times a week.I do p90x once a week and everytime I do it I amaze my self at how much stronger I have became.I did chest-back-shoulders and arms yesterday and feel a little stiff today not sore just tight.I really love this series and yes the muscles are poping out but as I said I also can credit wendilee of body-b-fit love her workouts and cathe.I wish cathe would get back to this syle of training and drop the endurance workouts for awhile but you can't please everyone:D I do endurance but it is forced.The only endurance dvd I truly enjoy are body b fit bootcamp and 100 reps and cathe's bootcamp upper and firm upper body.I just can't get into powerhour or me for some reason.p90x was money well spent and I would give 2 times the price to have these workouts:D
I'm in my 9th week of the Classic rotation (followiing it pretty much to the letter except for an occasional extra day off in the beginning, substiting other yoga for Yoga X about 1/2 the time, substituting a different kickboxing workout for Kenpo 1/4 of the time, and adding a bit of extra cardio about every 3 weeks). I'm also beginning to add some supplemental heavy leg presses on my Soloflex Rockit once a week because my butt is smaller, but not in a good way. I want to get it rounder and higher.

The results I've seen so far are a much buffer (more defined) upper body, a midsection that's on the verge of a 4-pack (rather than on the verge of a 2-pack like before), leaner legs. Everything's a bit tighter.

Other performance-related results are a strength increase (every time I do a P90X strength workout, I can lift heavier or more reps); greater flexibility, greater ROM in my joints. I'm also able to do quite a few push-ups on my toes (whereas before, I avoided these like the plague). A tight spot in my upper hamstring/glute area that I've had since 1999 (I recently came across an old workout log that said when it started) has loosened up and no longer bothers me. My geetchy shoulder (troublesome since a bout of tendinitis and impingement problems several years ago) feels much better, has better ROM and is stronger.

I'm not following their nutrition plan at all, but I have cleaned up my eating a bit by avoiding tempting junk and processed foods and increasing veggies. I didn't buy any of their supplements or recovery drinks or bars, but I do have a Power Dream chocolate soy beverage after I work out. It has a similar macro-nutrient (protein, carbs, fat) breakdown to their recovery drink.
Now I know I'm a glutton for punishment...why did I ask this question??? Now I really, really want these workouts! I'm trying to figure out if I can smuggle them in the house and then USE them without DH noticing (not that he's all that observant, but we're supposed to be stopping our frivolous spending habits!)

I wish I had a crystal ball to know whether Cathe will come out with her own P90X version in her next round of videos. Cathe workouts just blend one into the other for my hubby and he'd never know the difference!

Thanks for sharing!
I've got just the solution for you!! I was in the exact same quandary - how can I get these and not have my husband freak?!?! So - I bought them FOR HIM!!! I will give them to him for Father's Day. Of course, then I'll just HAVE to do them with him - right?!?!
That's awesome, sneaky and perfect!!!

And Michelle, since I am the enabler that I am.... your health and physical fitness are not frivolous!! If you need this series to get to the next level, save up for it and get it.
I have dieted FOREVER. I just completed my 5th week. I have lost 1 lb., and lost 1/2" in my waist, hips, and legs. I look better than I ever have. I am 41. I do work my legs in some way everyday, but these workouts are the bomb. Yesterday for the first time, I did do KPC/L&G's premix instead of Kenpo and a different leg workout. I am so pleased with these wporkouts, I just can't gush enough.

I hope I didn't make you feel worse than you already do, but they are the BOMB!!!!!!
I just finished my first week of the classic rotation, following my own eating plan, and I am in LOVE with these workouts!! I too added Pyramid lower body right after shoulders and arms, and legs and glutes to the routine this week for a little extra leg work. I feel muscle soreness that I never knew existed. I think the greatest thing about these workouts is that the moves are so different from anything else, and they change every 30 seconds to 1 minute. It's amazing cross-training.

I also really like Tony and the un-rehearsed feel along with the interaction he has with the camera men and the class. You truly feel like you are in class with these people.

As the other posters said.....money well spent?}(
I'm ready to start Phase 2 and have been following the Classic Rotation as is. I salute those who can add extra leg work because my legs are fried doing this rotation. Almost every workout has some sort of leg work in it. I use heavy weights and really concentrate on my form during all the leg work.
I've been able to increase my weight load in this short time frame, to poundage I never thought possible before.
I didn't have any weight or inches to lose bodywise, but I'm more solid and my muscle definition is showing more.

My husband and I went to Home Depot yesterday to pick up a chest of drawers. The salesman asked if we needed help loading it to the truck and my husband said: "No, my wife can get it. She lifts weights." LOL
That is my husbands way of saying he is impressed. I found him last night at my Power Tower using my bands. During all my years of workouts, he has never done that before.

I asked Cathe if she would think about doing a workout like this, before I bought P90X. I too, wanted to hold out and not buy it if Cathe would make one like it.
Well....I will definately buy a Cathe version of this workout, but...like I mentioned above... I'm ready for Phase 2 and in 4 weeks I will be ready for Phase 3 and after that, getting ready to Bring It for Round 2.....(maybe by then I can add more leg work...LOL)
I'm looking forward to what improvements I will be making in that length of time.
I like feeling I'm part of the workout as well. I set my own goals and keep track for the next time. I've not seen any other workout like this series.....
I think I'm going to have to buy this. I didn't buy the new advanced DVD, and from the previews and the reviews, I'm glad I didn't. I'm ready for something very challenging and effective, and it sounds like this is it. Of course, if Cathe's next offerings are as tough as she promises, I promise to buy those too.
can I ask another question???

I know everyone talks about doing the pull-ups and push-ups and that the workout uses bands. What, exactly, is the equipment that is needed? For instance, I've never used bands before, so how would I know where to start? Can you modify the pull-ups or is a tower or some else needed? I can remember doing a fitness test in high school and not even being able to do one pull-up, although I do know that 17 years later I am in MUCH better shape than I was then!

I really, really want this series. I work mostly part-time, but am hoping to pick up some additional days this summer, so maybe this will be my something-to-work-for purchase!

Thanks, again!!!
RE: can I ask another question???

I just responded to that question in the "p90x equipment/time" thread in this forum.

I can't gush enough about p90x. I've just ended my first week and the muscle soreness, the tightness, the popping muscles, the firmer hips and butt (which I TOTALLY cannot believe!!!!) the results are just AMAZING. I can see the beginning of a beatiful six pack and I just had a baby 7 months ago.

This is not to discredit Cathe, because without her, I could never even have attempted this series...she got me this far, but I can tell you now that p90x is going to take me places that I never dreamed. Worth the price? You better BELIEVE it.

My body feels different already after only one week. The unique moves, the yoga, the ab exercises, the whole kit-and-caboodle package is incredible.

Please, please, please...can someone direct Cathe to this thread. I'm ready to beg her to do this type of hardcore series for us.
RE: can I ask another question???

Hi there, Letswork. :)
I'm sure Cathe is seeing all the talk about P90X on this website by now. LOL There is also a thread or two in the Suggestions Forum as well. And, IF Cathe reads other websites, there is also raves on Video Fitness, YaYas, not to mention the Beachbody web.
One of the tons of terrific things about Cathe, she listens to what her customers want. If the customer speaks loudly and often enough... one will get the Cathe version of P90X. }( }( :p
Michele, I saw over at VF, that by utilizing the coupons from different websites, they got close to 45% off on P90X. Put that with the 3 payment plan, that makes 13 DVS, an exercise folder/plan, nutrition guide with recipes almost in the "I can't afford Not to buy it" category. :9
I received my package on Friday and have not stopped thinking about the day that I get to start my P90X challenge. I plan to do the workouts as written in the Classic Rotation and add some additional light cardio during my lunch hour (if I can handle it.) I have really cleaned up my diet, so moving into the nutrition plan shouldn't (I hope) be too difficult.

As the previous poster said, you can really drive the price down on the package if you utilize the available discounts that are offered through beachbody and ebates. I ended up paying about $105 for the system. Just from reviewing the DVDs and the manuals, I got an incredible deal.

As for equipment, if you have a good range of dumbbells, a mat and a pull-up bar, you will be fine. I won the beachbody pull-up contraption on ebay for $39 (including shipping). I decided to wait to start my rotation until I receive the pull-up station. I want the greatest results and believe that I can only achieve this by incorporating pull-ups into my routine. It has been a goal of mine to do a pull-up for years. Now, I WILL do it.

Hi Michele:

OK, so it is only my first day, but I have to tell you how humbled I am by this workout.

I have been working out for almost 10 years consistently 5-6 days/week doing almost exclusively Cathe strength and cardio, along with some running on occasion... I consider myself a pretty fit person and I went into today's workout kind of cocky, thinking it wasn't going to be that hard.

Welllll.. I am absolutely wiped!!! I did the chest/back/ab ripper DVD today and I can't believe how hard it was. My whole upper body feels like mush. I haven't experienced this amount of muscle fatigue in a long long time!!

It is so different than any other workouts that I have ever done. And that probably is a big part of why I am so exhausted.

I must admit that I am feeling like a rookie but I sure am looking forward to hitting new gains in the next 90 days!! (Now if I could just lay off the cheetos!!)

Take care,

Lynn M.
Isn't it nasty of them to start the rotation with Chest/Back, the toughest=looking workout in the whole sheebang? I had P90X lying around for several weeks before I started it because Chest/Back *scared* me on preview! Then one day, I just decided to jump in and start with Shoulders and Arms (my favorite workout, maybe)and go from there. I have improved immensely in push-ups (which I never did much of before P90X) and do many of them on my toes or on "one knee" (on knees, with one leg lifted behind me)if on-the-toes is too much but one the knees is not enough.
Hi Kathryn:

I agree with you on the toughness of the push ups!! I never knew about how many variations you could do on a pushup. It was killer, and definitely incompleteable for me at this point.

How are you faring with the pull ups part of the workout? This part was impossible for me.. I "stood" on one leg through the whole workout and not only were my arms/back fatigued, but my leg was fatigued from the up and squatting motion of raising my body!

It is definitely fun though, presenting the body with these new challenges, isn't it?

Take care, Lynn M.

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