P90X or the New Cathe Series

I know you only said you had the money for one, but I'd get P90X now because Cathe's won't even be filmed until Fall. You could be using it to get in shape for Cathe's. LOL If you saved away $1.00 a day from now until Cathe's came out you would have enough to get Cathe's, or until the second phase, you could have part of the money anyway. ??? I know the Presale is on now and there is this mad rush by some of us that want to be first in line.... insanity.. right? hahah But the Presale usually lasts for about a month... Then there is usually, the second phase of Presales.... which is still a deal over the full price....
When I'm faced with these kinds of decisions I tell my DH... You know I ALWAYS ALWAYS have to have my Cathe's and the preorder is on NOW and I'll save a bundle of money over full price. But P90X is out NOW and I can be getting in wonderful shape in the meantime. He never argues with that line reasoning. LOL ( Plus ..If you search the net there are coupons...to save here hint hint)
I'm just trying to come up with some ideas for you to have both. ;-)

Perhaps some of the others, and the P90Xers can give you some more and even better ideas.....
I know some over at VF are selling off workouts they have outgrown or know they won't use again.... just a thought....
Just another thought, you could preorder Cathe's now, and your credit card will be charged for that full amount. Then you could still get the P90X's by using all the coupon options which drives the price waaaaay down and use their 3 month payment plan option.
And still save a $1.00 a day until Cathe's came out and that way it would seem like Cathe's workouts were free..... How's that? LOL
Ooooh, don't pass up P90X, you won't regret it!! I researched and researched it to death before I bought it because I am such a Cathe devotee (still am), but P90X is the bomb!! Even if you order Cathe's Hardcore series, guaranteed P90X will provide amazing cross-training results and moves that you have never seen before. I vote for both!
Yeah, gotta agree with everyone else. Figure out a way. I am sure both series' are and will be awesome!! (I have P90X, it IS awesome).

Now, what do you all suggest if I just forked out the moolah for P90X not too long ago and now have to PREORDER Cathe? I think I am just going to have to preorder now! I don't want to pay any additional money for it. How long is this phase of the presale?
Another vote for both (we're not helpful, are we? ;) )
And another suggestion on how to do it.
Besides ordering P90X on the three payment plan, and using the available discounts to get the price down, you could preorder the Cathe workouts from CKsales in Canada. They don't charge your credit card until they ship.

The best of both worlds!

As others have said, P90X is fantastic, and Cathe's workouts probably won't be ready until early next year. The two systems sound like they would go together really well. Once you've gone through a P90X rotation or two, you can get an idea of how to use the new Cathe workouts in a similar way, or how to combine P90X with the new Cathes.

Have you done P90X for 90 days? Just seems you should not say it is a "lot of hype" if you have not. It is generating a lot of excitement, yes, but isn't that because we are all getting awesome results and experiencing strength gains we never got with our previous Cathe tapes? Alteast I am. I am immensely enjoying rotating these tapes with my Cathe cardios. The point is they are worth every penny if you are willing to work hard for your results.

I noticed some people on VF actually getting angry over the hype!!! Sheesh, I remember when Slim Series came out, it was all anyone talked about. It is like that with anything new worth speaking of.

I am just wondering if those who are opinionated on the effectiveness of the series (P90X) have actually tried a full rotation. I would be interested in hearing some perceived negetive results.....
P90X is not a hype. I've been exercising for centuries and Tony did moves I've never seen before. I still say that Tony is not harder than Cathe -- actually his lower body is easier for me than say LL -- but he does different things and that's a huge plus in my book.
As for the original question -- I think both are really worth having. I definitely will get the new Cathe and have never ever regretted getting P90X either.
Just seems you
>should not say it is a "lot of hype" if you have not. It is
>generating a lot of excitement, yes, but isn't that because we
>are all getting awesome results and experiencing strength
>gains we never got with our previous Cathe tapes? At least I

Me, too!

I noticed some people on VF actually getting
>angry over the hype!!!

I saw that. There is even a thread that says that "there are too many P90X threads!" (Which, of course, was ANOTHER P90X thread!) A lot of people have their favorite instructor whom they seem to be willing to defend to the death (figuratively, of course...I hope!), and they are very ready and willing to jump to that instructor's defense when they feel s/he is threatened (even by the fact that people are getting great results with another instructor).

I am just wondering if those who are
>opinionated on the effectiveness of the series (P90X) have
>actually tried a full rotation. I would be interested in
>hearing some perceived negetive results.....

From some posts on VF, some people who are very opinionated about how P90X "isn't all that great" haven't even tried it and don't plan to get it (some, because "it couldn't be as good as X!" "X makes the best workouts around," etc.). Other just pick one or two of the workouts, don't find them intense enough (Kenpo) or don't think they seem effective, and then conclude that the workouts aren't all they are cracked up to be. (I've discovered that the rotation works perfectly as is, and even the workouts that don't seem as intense have a place.)
I would warn you not to order P90X unless you have done other Tony Horton workouts. He has the type of personality you either love or hate. I bought PHH and I only previewed it, I couldn't do it because he grates on my nerves. But I guess you could always send them back if you didn't like him, they do have a money back guarantee.
Hi Jackie,

I don't know if you have made your decision yet but whatever it is I am sure you will be happy. I will not enable you to get both if you can truely only get one.

Cathe is the pioneer of advanced video workouts between the two. If you have used her workouts than you know her style. And if you have not, there are many clips to view. I like what she has to offer. Her workouts are fun and very effective for me. I have gotten great results. When I first started my husband noticed after 2 weeks. I am energized by most of her music. Love the variety and intensity of her cardio. I am motivated by her as an intstructor. Have never had a problem with customer service. This new series sounds great. I already preordered the whole package.

I also have P90X. I think it is a good series. I have not gotten the same results after completing phase 1 but I want to complete the 90 day rotation. It has some athletic type drills/exercises. The kind I did with HS sports or in the military and some exercises that I have seen in other workout videos. There is also some new stuff that is nice. The cardio is low intensity and offers a variety of crosstraining. The music to me is bland. Tony is a good instructor but does not motivate me in the same way. The presentation is different. More like a personal trainer than class atmosphere. BB has issues with their customer service department but are working on them.

I guess you'll have to look at the content of both and see which one fits your needs at this time. Goodluck, there could be a place for both. Between the two, I like Cathe workouts better and don't know if I would have ordered from bb if I would have had the hardcore offering the last time Cathe taped.
I have not done the whole 90 days rotation yet. But I have done all the DVDs and tried out week 1 and took notes on what weights etc. I need when I start the rotation.

Back & Chest e.g.: If you just preview the tape you'll think 'Wow! That's tough' but when you are actually doing it you'll realize that all the push-ups aren't that hard because you are not doing any cardio/weight work before the push-ups. For back work I either used heavy bands or my bar between two chairs which both turned out too easy (I am able to do 2 full pull-ups on the monkey bars at the playground) and all I am waiting for is the Power Tower before starting the rotation.

AbRipper is fine but I have seen a lot of moves before that why I am using my 6 lbs medicine ball instead of no weights.

Core Synergestics: Again, if you just preview it you'll think it's a lot harder but actually doing it it's just fine (it's a great functional fitness tape).

I am not saying this is not a good series but everyone is becoming so defensive if anyone says "P90X is only ok".

I have been doing only Cathe for the past 18 months and my rotations are pretty tough, I usually add extra cardio (spinning, roping, jogging) or extra sets of weight work to any given rotation. Trying out P90x like I have been before commiting to 90 days seems to be confirming my suspicions that I'll loose some Circuit Training Abilities during those 90 days. Currently, I have the endurance of a horse but IMHO if I just stick to P90X I'll loose some of that (which won't take long to regain I am sure).
I BOW to whomever can say that P90X chest and back is "not that hard". OMG!! Well, I don't know how you can say that if you are actually ON YOUR TOES for every single push up and you are doing full body pull ups FROM A BAR on all the reps of pull ups. Katerchen..maybe you need to lose the band. Sounds like you need to stay only with the tower. Oh, but you don't have one (sorry, just realized). I think you will find it much more intense with the bar. You really must be in awesome shape....

Yes, the cardio is lacking. But, there is no better tape/series to gain muscle mass with. Sorry, but there is not one Cathe tape that I think is as effective in that area. Slow and Heavy would be a distant second....

I guess it depends. Are you a cardio person or are you a weights person. Yes, if circuit training is your priority and you are concerned with getting lots of cardio in WITH your weights, don't get P90X. Personally, I seperate cardio and weights. I like to feel fresh for both...
> But, there is no better tape/series to gain muscle mass with. Sorry, but there is not one Cathe tape that I think is as effective in that area.

I am glad you have found great results with this series but everybody responds differently. And sometimes just a change in routine causes big changes. If you're motivated to work hard, eat right, and rest adequately most people will make progress. Finding the right workout to suite your needs is a key component. So, I think there are plenty of top notch workouts. Currently my favorite is not from the P90X series. The best workout I have found for me is still made by Cathe. I can heavy up, do as many reps as needed (I can stop early if neccessary just like they do in P90X). In fact they are more versatile because you can keep in sync with Cathe or just do the exercise with higher wt & less reps (even with pulse counts). I am energized by the music and inspired by Cathe. Because I like the workouts, I do the workouts. Most importantly, there is a fun factor that I don't find elsewhere. But that dosn't take anything away from other workouts. Everybody is different and we all benefit from the variety. Again, congrats on your success!
Probably I'm not the only one who has noticed, but to me it is quite obvious that P90X was made by a guy, maybe mainly with only guys in mind. The emphasis is really on the upper body. Now, I'm truly very happy about it since my arms and shoulders finally look the way I want them to look.:) And it is because of all those push ups and pull ups indeed. But I really don't think that the lower body part is effective enough if you are used to Cathe. You see, her workouts were made by a female for the usual traditional female stuff.

Variation is the key here, and like somebody has mentioned here we (Cathe followers) see result w/P90X because of the change of routines and not necesserly the difficulty level, just MHO.
When you do the rotation as suggested, most likely you'll see plenty of leg work, for all the workouts, done in sequence will probably do a fine job of wacking your legs..they did to me and I'm a pretty experienced and heavy-barbell, dumbell-using Cathe-styled lifter.

P90X is definitely worth the ride, and a known entity at this time.

Eventually, you'll probably want both, but since P90X is available now, I'd get it first.
>I would warn you not to order P90X unless you have done other
>Tony Horton workouts. He has the type of personality you
>either love or hate. I bought PHH and I only previewed it, I
>couldn't do it because he grates on my nerves. But I guess
>you could always send them back if you didn't like him, they
>do have a money back guarantee.

Tony is much more subdued in P90X. I never saw Power 90, but people at VF who have used both have often hated Tony in Power 90, but could tolerate him in P90X. Also, there is an "instruction only" option on the sound, so you can cut out a lot of his extra comments. Or, if your TV does closed captioning, you can turn the sound off and just read the instructions!

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