Overworking the Lower Body?


Lately I've noticed that my legs are very tired. For example, this morning on my way to class I had to climb 3 flights of stairs and I was huffing and puffing because my legs felt like lead. I'm wondering if I'm doing too much standing leg work. My rotation last week was:
Sunday: IMax
Monday: MIS
Tuesday: Charlene Low Impact High Intensity
Wednesday: upper body from BodyMax and LL
Thursday: Rhythmic Step
Friday: MIS
Saturday: rest
Sunday: IMax

Imax demands a lot of leg strength so it could have been the reason my legs were so tired.

What does the 'educated crowd' think? Am I doing too much lower body? How much lower body work is optimal? Maybe I should do floorwork once a week instead of standing legwork? I think that LL in addition to MIS might have been too much. But my lower body is definitely my problem area and it's only been since I've been doing Cathe's tapes that I've seen an improvement down there. I finally am starting to see muscles in my legs.

BTW, despite my legs feeling tired today I was able to do MIS today using 35# for lower body (for the first time!).
Hi JenniferAnn!

You've really answered your own question. If your legs are feeling like lead, they're trying to tell you something. Though if you've just changed your workouts, they will complain about the new routine. But if you're dragging lead around all week, you need to revise your routine.

I don't think anyone can tell you an optimal number of leg workouts. Most of my cardio is a lot of legwork that includes hills so I have to play around with the indoor strength work. Sometimes I skip it, sometimes I'll do PowerHour using bodyweight for the lower body. Lately I've been doing Leaner Legs on Monday following a Sunday rest or light day. Tuesday is a lighter cardio day (30-40 min run) & Pilates. I don't do anymore weighted leg work during the week. I've enjoyed this routine & except for the 1st 2 weeks when LL practically crippled me (had to play with weight amount), it's been successful.

I also only work my lower body once a week. Every once in a while I try and go for 2, but it just doesn't work. I also do cardio workouts that use up my legs quite a bit. But, then I'm also looking for better performace while running than lifting right now.

I think two times a week would probably be fine. Try it out and see!

BTW Connie and Debra, I was beginning to feel like a loner in the "legs once a week" department. Glad to know I'm not alone!


this sounds like a load of leg work to me!

I would substitute one of the IMAX routines for some other cardio, give 'em a break! Try kickbox routine perhaps, work the legs still but without so much impact.

You are doing MIS twice per week, which includes leg work and LL. Take the LL and after it, do only the upper body section of MIS on one day. Then if you do MIS all the way through another day, you have still worked each body part twice per week, and that is enough.

Make sure you are getting adequate sleep and rest.

Good luck

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 09:33AM (Est)[/font][p]Connie,

You are 43? You look fantastic. Great job. You might want to pass on your tips for wutherhi (our friend Shari). I know she has been having problems losing weight and gaining musles.


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