Opinions of "Bring Your Triglycerides Down Naturally"


Catwoman recommended some books in another thread entitled "Need Advice" (thanks Catwoman!). I've located copies of all except "Bring Your Triglycerides Down Naturally: A Drug-Free Solution to High Blood Lipids" I could not locate any reviews and only one(!)library in Canada owns this book which makes me very suspicious.
So, if any of you have read it and highly recommend it please let me know and I may still consider shelling out the $18.95 for the read.
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I don't know about this book, but my triglycerides dropped more than 50 points when I started taking fish oil (omega 3) capsules.

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Haven't heard of the book either, but I use Flush Free Niacin to bring my triglycerides down and they dropped from over 700 to just over 200. Also a low carb diet will also bring them down. I couldn't take the prescription niacin since it gave me hot flashes this flush free stuff is over the counter at most drugstore or Vitamin stores.
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Hello all,
Trigs are elevated usually by high carb intake, sweets, juices etc, certain medications, and alcohol. By adjusting the diet, we can bring them down usually about 20%.
Fish oil, omega 3, 6grams/day also will lower them about 30% or so. They aren't as affected by bad fats as LDL cholesterol. Interestingly, vegetarians often have high TG's because of the carb based diets!
Oh, i should say i'm a dietitian and work with lipids in my practice!
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After my husband went from vegetarian to vegan his cholesterol went from over 200 to 146 (with an outstanding ratio - although I don't remember the exact numbers) in 6 months.


ETA: Oopsie! I realize now you're asking about a book. Those quotes sometimes just don't get through to me.;-)
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Thanks all for the info although I am still interested in reviews of the book if anyone has read it. Does the book already state the obvious? Is the information practical for the average Joe or Jane?
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Carolyn--no worries!! Your post is still was useful to me and although I couldn't go vegan I am in the process of cutting down on my animal product intake (the dang ice cream!!) :)
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Dr. Weil's Omega-3 Complex is the one I have my DH taking. It is independently tested for mercury, lead and PCBs, which is very important.

Sorry for the hijack, Beavs. Haven't heard of the book.

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